12月25日,田納西州首府納什維爾市中心發生嚴重爆炸事件。(圖片來源:Jacknstock/維基百科/CC BY-SA 4.0)
【看中国2020年12月25日讯】12月25日聖誕節早上,田納西州首府納什維爾(Nashville, Tennessee)市中心發生了嚴重爆炸事件,爆炸引發周圍區域產生明顯的震動。據警方稱,這次爆炸事件似乎是屬於「蓄意行為」。
MNPD, FBI & ATF investigating the 6:30 a.m. explosion on 2nd Ave N linked to a vehicle. This appears to have been an intentional act. Law enforcement is closing downtown streets as investigation continues. pic.twitter.com/YOfMTaKmTH
— Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) December 25, 2020
These are pictures from 2nd Avenue south. Windows were broken out from explosion area to Broadway. Please AVOID this area! Media staging is at 2nd Avenue south and KVB. pic.twitter.com/tocdpHWFgj
— Nashville Fire Dept (@NashvilleFD) December 25, 2020
Horrific images from #Sky5 of the explosion in downtown Nashville. Damage stretches for a few blocks @nc5 pic.twitter.com/58FthpYh3M
— Chris Conte (@chrisconte) December 25, 2020
據稱,警察局正在與聯邦調查局(FBI)和酒精、菸草、槍支和炸藥局(the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)一起進行調查。
田納西州長比爾李(Bill Lee)在推文寫道:「今天清晨,納什維爾市中心第二大道和商業街附近發生爆炸事件。 聯邦、州和地方執法部門合作正在現場進行調查。我們認為是蓄意的行為。」「 請加入@MariaLeeTN和我一起為受傷的人們祈禱,我們感謝今天早上行動如此迅速的所有第一響應人員。」
We will supply all of the resources needed to determine what happened and who was responsible. Please join @MariaLeeTN and me in praying for those who were injured and we thank all of our first responders who acted so quickly this morning.
— Gov. Bill Lee (@GovBillLee) December 25, 2020
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