受澳大利亚美食启发而开的餐厅:口渴的考拉(The Thirsty Koala)
在这一系列的有机和非转基因餐馆之旅中,我们将您带到纽约的阿斯托利亚(Astoria),到一家受澳大利亚美食启发而开的餐厅:口渴的考拉(The Thirsty Koala),这里交通便利,距离Astoria-Ditmars Blvd NW地铁站仅几个街区。
Lamington 拉明顿
Caramel Slice焦糖片
为了增进您的食欲,您可选择LSA Bowl,这是由亚麻籽/亚麻籽,向日葵种子,杏仁,有机自制椰子汁,新鲜水果,屋格兰诺拉麦片,龙舌兰和nigella种子组合成的开胃菜。
LSA Bowl开胃菜
Seafood paella海鲜饭
In this series of our Organic and Non-GMO trail,we bring you to Astoria in New York,to a restaurant inspired by Australian cuisine:The Thirsty Koala,conveniently located just blocks away from the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd NW train subway station。
The restaurant’s logo is a cute Koala holding a mug of beer and a big size toy Koala with her baby greets you at the restaurant entrance。Serving Australian inspired cuisine to its diners for the past six years,Chef Katherine welcomed us warmly as we entered the restaurant。
Having heard so much about the delicious desserts that Australians enjoyed back home,we decide to deviate from the norm and jumped straight into the desserts。
The first that we tried was the Pavlova,a meringue based with fresh cream,strawberries,kiwi,blueberries and a passion fruit cooling。My mouth still waters as I am writing about it。It is soft,light and melt in your mouth with a cheese-like taste although it is diary-free…Mmmm…。
Next we have the Lamington which is a yellow sponge cake using organic eggs,organic sugar with organic coconut milk,dairy free,gluten free。You have the comfortable feeling eating it because you know it is organic。
The third dessert is the crunchy and sweet Caramel slice which is made with coconut shortbread。It has caramel layer and a Callebuat Belgian chocolate that is melted in-house with some sea salt added on top。I would love to eat another slice had I not been reminded that we have more dishes ahead to try。
To stimulate your appetite,you can order the LSA bowl which is a combination of Linseed/flaxseed,Sunflower seeds,Almonds,organic housemade coconut labneh,fresh fruit,house granola,agave,and nigella seed。
If you like seafood,here is one dish you have to try,Wild Maine whitewater mussels,gulf prawns with chorizo paella。Just simply looking at the dish makes my mouth waters。
The grilled pastured lamb dish is something not to be missed。This is like going back to the olden days where you can have pastured lamb instead of the commercialized meat produced from today’s American commercialized food industry。
Isn’t the dish beautiful?It is like enjoying a piece of art。
If you like a bit of a spice in your meal,try the braised Dubreton pork belly。
Do you know that Dubreton is the first pork producer in North America to receive the Certified Humane® certification?
It is comforting to know that the meat come from animals that are allowed to gaze and live naturally in an open,cage free environment,without anti-biotics,injected hormones for their entire life span。
If you like chicken,they have pastured chicken from Joyce farms。Finger-licking good!
The restaurant uses organic vegetables grown from their own garden for their special dishes。Look at this picture displaying a variety of heirloom tomatoes,eggplant,bell peppers,and summer squash along with the lemon cucumbers…。It reminds me of my younger days when my grandmother cooked for us vegetables freshly picked from her vegetable garden…it was sweet memories brought back to life by just looking at the picture…
The restaurant menu changes with different season to ensure you get the freshest ingredients available。
We will definitely come back again for more of Chef Katherine’s innovative dishes,assembled together with love and concern for her diners’ well-being;striving for wild seafood,meat from pastured animals,garden to table,gluten-free。
Chef Katherine is a responsible chef。You feel safe eating here。
Tell the waiter of any food allergies when you visit The Thirsty Koala。They will cater to your needs。
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