這位名叫Carmela Chillery-Watson的6歲女孩向世人證明,即使患上這種罕見的運動肌肉失調症,也無法阻止她獲得任何成就。
It's now £12500 and moving fast. Well done Carmela for completing your walk. A well earned rest for our very own Wonder Woman Carmela @ChilleryWatson and her super duper Wonder Woman mum Lucy. Keep giving please https://t.co/4UtC3jOKWu @MDUK_News @GalGadot @LillyAspell https://t.co/FDZt0P3VfL
— Stephen Mooney (@MDUK_Stephen) September 30, 2020
卡梅拉(Carmela)患有一種罕見的肌肉萎縮狀況,在出生沒多久就被判定患有「核纖層蛋白相關先天性肌失養症」(LMNA-related CMD),這種疾病會導致呼吸功能不全、頭部或軀幹功能缺損、軀幹肌肉無力、心律不整等症狀,也因為疾病關係,她的腿部肌肉越來越無力以及虛弱,其行走能力不斷下降,她現在已經無法行走超過5分鐘。
And that’s a wrap! Carmela has completed her heroic 300km in 30 days #WonderWomanWalk. A fantastic £12k has been raised with the help of @GalGadot and all your donations. Thanks to @rhubarbchairs & Batman for making the finale one that Carmela won't forget! @ChilleryWatson https://t.co/SLsbuWqHNF
— MuscularDystrophyUK (@MDUK_News) September 30, 2020
This is the moment the West Country's own Wonder Woman six-year-old Carmela @ChilleryWatson finished her challenge of walking 300km. She's raised an incredible £12,000 spurred on by @GalGadot and @LillyAspell
Read about her amazing challenge here: https://t.co/wFo9yqvJFM pic.twitter.com/1485d1jHUA— ITV News West Country (@itvwestcountry) September 30, 2020
My real wonder girl! Wow this video blew my mind. You’re a true hero. So inspiring and strong. I hope one day we get to meet each other. Until then I’m sending you lots of love and a big big hug!!! https://t.co/6K13LZI18y
— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) September 9, 2020
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