Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure
Issued on: August 7, 2019
South Lawn
9:13 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: So, we’re going to Dayton first, and then we’re going to El Paso. And we’ll be meeting with first responders, law enforcement, and some of the victims, and paying my respects and regards. I’ll be going with the First Lady. And it’s a terrific opportunity, really, to congratulate some of the police and law enforcement. The job they’ve done was incredible. Really incredible.
Q Mr. President, no doubt — I don’t think anybody will argue this is a difficult time in our country for all of us. So, from your heart, from your mind, what do you say to your critics that believe it’s your rhetoric that is emboldening white nationalists and inspiring this anger?
问:总统先生,毫无疑问 - 我认为没有人会质疑这对我们所有人来说都是我们国家的困难时期。那么,从您的内心,从您的思想,您对您的批评者说什么,他们相信这是您的言辞鼓励白人民族主义者而激发了这种愤怒?
THE PRESIDENT: So, my critics are political people. They’re trying to make points. In many cases, they’re running for President and they’re very low in the polls. A couple of them, in particular, are very low in the polls. If you look at Dayton, that was a person that supported, I guess you would say, Bernie Sanders, I understood; Antifa, I understood; Elizabeth Warren, I understood. It had nothing to do with President Trump.
总统:所以,我的批评者是政治人物。他们试图弄出点事儿。在许多情况下,他们竞选总统,他们的民意调查(支持度)非常低。特别是他们中的一些人在民意调查中的支持度非常低。如果你看看代顿,那是一个支持伯尼·桑德斯的人,我想你可能会说,我理解;我知道安蒂法(Antifa);伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren),我明白。这与川普总统无关。
So these are people that are looking for political gain. I don’t think they’re getting it. And, as much as possible, I’ve tried to stay out of that.
Q Mr. President, Senator Ted Cruz today said that people on both sides of the political aisle need to tone down the rhetoric. Do you agree with that?
问:总统先生,参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)今天说,政治通道两边的人都需要淡化这些言论。您同意吗?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I do agree, but I think we have toned it down. We’ve been hitting — we’ve been getting hit left and right from everybody. Many of the people, I don’t know. A couple of people from Texas — political people from Texas that aren’t doing very well. I guess somebody said — the mayor — I had one very nice conversation with the mayor of Dayton; could not have been nicer. And then she goes and says I tried to call her. Well, I spoke to her, and I didn’t receive any call.
总统:嗯,我同意,但我认为我们已经把声调降低了。我们一直在左右回击 - 我们也一直受到来自左的和右的每个人的打击。有些人,我不知道,来自德克萨斯州的几个人 - 来自德克萨斯州的政治人物表现不佳。我想有人说了- 是市长 - 我与代顿市市长进行了一次非常愉快的交谈;交谈好的不能再好了。然后她走了,她说我试着给她打电话。我跟她说话了,我没有收到任何电话。
So they’re trying to make political points. I don’t think it works because, you know, I would like to stay out of the political fray.
As I was saying, and as just came out, the Dayton situation — he was a fan of Antifa. He was a fan of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Nothing to do with Trump. But nobody ever mentions that.
就像我说的那样,就像发生的那样,代顿市的情况 - 他是安蒂法(Antifa)的粉丝。他是伯尼·桑德斯和伊丽莎白·沃伦的粉丝。与川普无关。但没有人提到过这一点。
Q (Inaudible.)
Q (Inaudible) supported Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Should they be blamed for (inaudible)?
问:(听不清)支持过伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)和伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)。他们应该被指责(听不清)吗?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t blame Elizabeth Warren, and I don’t blame Bernie Sanders in the case of Ohio. And I don’t blame anybody. I blame — these are sick people. These are people that are really mentally ill, mentally disturbed. It’s a mental problem.
总统:不,我不责怪伊丽莎白·沃伦,我也不因俄亥俄州事件责怪伯尼·桑德斯。而且我不责怪任何人。我责怪 - 这些都是病人。这些人真的精神有病,精神错乱。这是一个心理问题。
And we’re going to be meeting — we’re going to be meeting with members of Congress. I’ve already got meetings scheduled. And I have had plenty of talks over the last two days. And I think something is going to be come up with. We’re going to come with something that’s going to be, really, very good — beyond anything that’s been done so far.
我们将要开会 - 我们将会见国会议员。我已经安排了会议。在过去的两天,我进行了大量的会谈。我认为有些事情会出现。我们将会带来一些真的非常好的东西 – 超过迄今为止所做的事情。
Q Do you support bringing the Senate back to consider legislation on —
问:您是否支持让参议院重新考虑立法 -
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’re going to see where we are. We’re dealing with leadership right now. And, you know, you have two sides that are very different on this issue, and, let’s say, all good people. But two sides that are very different. If we get close, I will bring them back. But it has to be — you know, we have to see where we are with leadership.
总统:嗯,我们要看看我们现在的处境。我们现在正在处理领导问题。并且,你知道,在这个问题上有两个非常不同的方面,这么说吧,都是好人。但是两边的意见非常不同。如果我们能靠近,我会把他们召集回来。但它必须 - 你知道,我们必须看到我们的领导地位。
Normally, this has been, really, a decision — Congress gets together and they try and do something. But if you look over the last 30 years, not a lot has been done.
通常情况下,这确实是一个决定 - 国会聚集在一起,他们尝试做某事。但如果你回顾一下过去30年,做成的并不多。
Q The background check bill already that has passed the House, what good (inaudible)?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m looking to do background checks. I think background checks are important. I don’t want to put guns into the hands of mentally unstable people or people with rage or hate, sick people. I don’t want to — I’m all in favor of it.
总统:好吧,我正在做背景调查。我认为背景调查很重要。我不想精神不稳定的人,或带着愤怒或仇恨的人,病人的手中有枪支。我不想 - 我赞同这个法案。
Q What about assault rifles? A lot of people would like to see them banned. What is your position?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I can tell you that there is no political appetite for that at this moment. If you look at the — you could speak, you could do your own polling. And there’s no political appetite, probably, from the standpoint of legislature.
总统:嗯,我可以告诉你,现在对这个没有政治上的胃口。如果你观察 - 你可以说,你可以做自己的民意调查。从立法机构的角度来看,现在可能没有政治胃口。
But I will certainly bring that up. I’ll bring that up as one of the points. There’s a great appetite — and I mean a very strong appetite — for background checks. And I think we can bring up background checks like we’ve never had before. I think both Republican and Democrat are getting close to a bill on — they’re doing something on background checks.
但我一定会把它提出来。我会把它作为其中一个观点。现在有一个很大的要求 - 我的意思是一个非常大的胃口 – 要进行背景调查。而且我认为我们可以提出和以前不一样的背景调查。我认为共和党和民主党人在这个法案在互相靠近 - 他们正在为背景调查做点事情。
Q (Inaudible.) South Korea and Japan exports are (inaudible.)
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. South Korea and I have made a deal. They’ve agreed to pay a lot more money toward the United States. As you know, we’ve got 32,000 soldiers on South Korean soil, and we’ve been helping them for about 82 years. And we get nothing. We get virtually nothing. And South Korea and I have made a deal where they’re paying a lot more money, and they’re going to pay a lot more money. And the relationship is a very good one.
But I felt, all along, I felt for years it was a very unfair one. So they’ve agreed to pay a lot more, and they will agree to pay a lot more than that. And we’re with them. We’re with them.
Q Mr. President, you banned bump stocks. Would you consider a ban on these huge, large-capacity magazines?
THE PRESIDENT: So, you have to have a political appetite within Congress. And, so far, I have not seen that. I mean, I can only do what I can do. I think there’s a great appetite to do something with regard to making sure that mentally unstable, seriously ill people aren’t carrying guns. And I’ve never seen the appetite as strong as it is now. I have not seen it with regard to certain types of weapons.
Q Mr. President, how concerned are you about the rise in white supremacy? And what are you going to do about it?
THE PRESIDENT: I am concerned about the rise of any group of hate. I don’t like it. Any group of hate, I am — whether it’s white supremacy, whether it’s any other kind of supremacy, whether it’s Antifa, whether it’s any group of hate, I am very concerned about it. And I’ll do something about it.
总统:我担心任何仇恨团体的崛起。我不喜欢它。任何仇恨团体, 无论是白人至上,还是任何其它类型的霸权团体,无论是安蒂法(Antifa),还是其它任何一个仇恨团体,我都非常担心它。为此,我打算做点什么。
Q Do you believe that your rhetoric has any impact on (inaudible)?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t think my rhetoric has at all. I think my rhetoric is a very — it brings people together. Our country is doing incredibly well. China is not doing well, if you look at the trade situation.
总统:不,我认为我的言论根本没有影响。我认为我的言论非常 - 它将人们聚集在一起。我们的国家做得非常好。中国表现不佳,如果你看一下贸易形势。
China just admitted yesterday that they’ve been a currency manipulator. First time they’ve ever been called out. Companies are moving out of China by the thousands, and our country is doing very well. We’re going to see how it all works out. Somebody had to do this with China because they were taking hundreds of billions of dollars a year out of the United States. And somebody had to make a stand. So, I think our country is doing really well.
Q What’s your reaction to the market reaction to the trade war? And what’s next with China?
THE PRESIDENT: I think the market — I think the market reaction is anticipated. I would have anticipated. I would have maybe anticipated even more. But ultimately, it’s going to go much higher than it ever would have gone because China was like an anchor on us. China was killing us with unfair trade deals. The people that allowed that to happen are a disgrace. China, what they were doing to us, for years and years, taking hundreds of billions of dollars out, stealing intellectual property, targeting our farmers. All of that is ending, and they understand that.
总统:我认为市场 - 我认为市场反应是可以预期的。我原以为市场的市场反应会更大。但最终,它会比以往任何时候都要高得多,因为中国就像是(栓住)我们的锚。中国以不公平的贸易协议杀伤了我们。允许这种情况发生的人是一种耻辱。中国,他们多年来对我们所做的事情,拿走了数千亿美元,窃取了知识产权,瞄准了我们的农民。所有这一切都在结束,他们明白这一点。
Q Mr. President, you still believe there’s no political appetite for an assault weapons ban, but as the leader of this country, do you personally believe people should be able to buy assault weapons?
THE PRESIDENT: That’s right. I’ll be — I’ll be convincing some people to do things that they don’t want to do, and that means people in Congress. But you’ve got a lot of people on one side, and you have a lot of people in the other. But I can — I have a lot of influence with a lot of people, and I want to convince them to do the right thing.
总统:没错。我会 - 我会说服一些人做他们不想做的事情,这意味着国会的人。但是在一边你有很多人,而在另一边也有很多人。但我可以 - 我对很多人有很大的影响力,我想说服他们做正确的事。
And I will tell you, we’ve made a lot of headway in the last three days. A lot of headway.
Q Mr. President, do you still believe that illegal immigration into this country is an invasion? You and the shooter in El Paso used that same language. Do you regret that?
THE PRESIDENT: I think that illegal immigration — you’re talking about illegal immigration, right? Yeah? I think illegal immigration is a terrible thing for this country. I think you have to come in legally. Ideally, you have to come in through merit. We need people coming in because we have many companies coming into our country. They’re pouring in. And I think illegal immigration is a very bad thing for our country. I think open borders are a very bad thing for our country.
总统:我认为非法移民 - 你说的是非法移民,对吧?是吗?我认为非法移民对这个国家来说是一件可怕的事情。我想你必须合法进来。理想情况下,你必须通过功绩进入。我们需要有人进来,因为我们有许多公司进入我们的国家。他们正在涌入。我认为非法移民对我们国家来说是一件非常糟糕的事情。我认为开放的边界对我们国家来说是一件非常糟糕的事情。
And we’re stopping; we’re building a wall right now. We won the lawsuit in the Supreme Court two weeks ago. The wall is well under construction. It’s being built at a rapid pace. We need that. We need strong immigration laws. But we want to allow millions of people to come in because we need them. We have companies coming in from Japan, all over Europe, all over Asia. They’re opening up companies here. They need people to work. We have a very low unemployment rate.
So, I believe we have to have legal immigration, not illegal immigration.
Q Are you watching the stock market’s reaction to China, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: I am. I think the market reaction is to be expected. I might’ve expected even more.
At some point, as I just said, we have to take on China. They’ve been taking — look, they’ve been taking us to the cleaners for 25 years. This should’ve been done long before me as a President. You know the story better than anybody. You know it better than I do, frankly. Hundreds of billions of dollars a year taken out of our country. Stealing intellectual property.
在某些时候,正如我刚才所说,我们必须回击中国。他们一直拿走 – 注意,25年来他们一直在把我们变成清洁工。这(阻止这个发生)应该早在我担任总统之前完成。你比任何人都更清楚这个故事。坦率地说,你比我更了解这个。每年从我国拿走数千亿美元。窃取知识产权。
And you know what? We, right now, we’re sitting on top. We have money pouring in. We have powerful companies, strong companies. China is losing so many — they’re losing — thousands and thousands of companies are leaving China now because of the tariffs. And we’re in a very good position as to whether or not a deal will be made. I will tell you this: China would like to make a deal very badly.
你知道吗?我们,现在,我们占有优势。我们有钱涌入。我们有强大的公司,强大的公司。中国正在失去这么多(公司) - 他们正在失败 - 由于关税现在成千上万的公司正在离开中国。不管是否达成协议我们都处于非常有利的地位。我会告诉你:中国非常想要达成协议。
Q Mr. President, Joe Biden. Joe Biden says you have more in common with George Wallace than George Washington.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, you know, Joe is a pretty incompetent guy. I’ve watched his interviews. I’ve watched what he said and how he said it. And I wouldn’t have rated him very high in the first place, but Joe Biden has truly lost this fastball, that I can tell you.
Thank you.
9:24 A.M. EDT
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