“香港中产罢工宣言”称,尽管自己有条件移民离开,但相信“一生人除了追求经济发展之外,民主、自由和公义等核心价值,才是人之所欲”。(图片来源 : 网页截图)
Hong Kong Middle Class General Strike
We are agroup of Hong Kong middle class.Unlike the stereotype of how the general public imagines protesters to be,we have the assets,social status or knowledge to ignore Hong Kong's current plight or even emigrate.We,however,treat Hong Kong as home.We cannot witness with folded arms as the teenage protesters are injured or arrested for seeking democracy,freedom and justice,which are the core value of Hong Kong aside from economic development.Teenage protesters are abeacon of hope under the joint-tyranny of the lying government,pro-Establishment camp and police force.We shall not tolerate in silence anymore.
The Anti-Extradition Bill Movements have taken place for several months.The government still turn ablind eye on peaceful protests,million marches and political suicides.Chief Executive Carrie Lam's standstill motivated more protesters to go to the frontline to face increasingly abusive police force.Triad members terrorized Yuen Long with the support of delayed police operation.The chain of events has clearly shown that it is the malicious government who has been inciting Hong Kong citizens,who are lying.It is the government who destroys Hong Kong's emphasis on sensibility,professionalism and the rule of law.
While some may say that protesters have also deployed increasingly forceful means to counter the police,it cannot be denied that such tension would not have been triggered had the government responded to the citizens'demands,had the police authorities operated without excessive force.No teenagers are willing to spend all of their time and energy to take to the street.No one would like to sacrifice one's future.
We would like to enjoy the fruits of our labour,yet democracy,freedom and justice are fundamental to such alife.Without these core values,Hong Kong would degrade into asecond-tier city.Now,our home is no longer safe,our government is no longer just.We cannot remain silent.
We could use our assets and privileges to support the movement,as well as joining the general strike.For those of us who are at the management level,we could safeguard our staff's rights to join the general strike without any consequences.More industries should work hand in hand to prevent more bloodshed from teenagers.
We also call for companies and enterprises to continue employing political prisoners and protesters who are charged with offenses during social justice movements.To stand up to white terror,we would also safeguard our young employees'future by disregarding their political advocacies in terms of job performance.
It is not acrime to fight for Hong Kong.
Reinstating our five demands:
1.Withdraw the Extradition Bill;
2.Retract the characterisation of the violent clashes as“riots”;
3.Lift charges on protesters arrested during the clashes and free them unconditionally
4.Inquire fully and independently into the actions of the police and the recent Yuen Long Terror;
5.Implement universal suffrage
*我们将于每晚将当日联署更新至此页We will update the page everynight to count the signatures.
**通讯资料只作今次联署使用,不作公开All the information are only used for this campaign and will not be made public.
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