
发表:2011-02-23 13:13
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一本题为《瘸腿猪和五环马戏》(Limp Pigs and the five-ring circus, Pen Press)的书,1月在英国出版,作者马克.纽汉姆(Mark Newham)是一名英国记者。马克2004年去北京新华社总部当过一年「专家」,目睹了中共当局用政权捆绑媒体,欺骗世界的行为。回国后,他把他的中国 经历写成了书,向世界「解密」中共宣传机器的中枢——新华社。



BBC 中文网报导,马克.纽汉姆(Mark Newham)是自由撰稿人。虽然书名是《瘸腿猪和五环马戏》,但马克说,主题跟残疾猪和马戏没有关系,他表示,他在这本书中记录了他作为一个西方资深记 者在中国最高级别的宣传机构--新华社的工作经历、见闻、感受,以及一些思考。










2001 年1月23号,中共中央电视台声称法轮功学员在北京天安门广场集体自焚。几个月后,「国际教育发展组织」于2001年8月14号在联合国会议上声明指出, 所谓「天安门自焚事件」是对法轮功的构陷,涉及惊人的阴谋与谋杀。从录影分析表明,整个事件是「政府一手导演的」。

British reporter demystifies Xinhua News Agency

A new book titled “Limp Pigs and the Five-ring Circus”
by British reporter Mark Newham was published
in the U.K. last month. Newham served as
“foreign expert” at Xinhua News Agency in 2004,
and witnessed how the CCP controlled
propaganda to deceive the world.
His new book tells the secrets of Xinhua News Agency.

Mark Newham said to BBC, he expressed his anger
and frustration caused by a constraining system
in his book through a British sense of humor.

The book conveys a message that China has in fact
not changed, and the situation of media freedom
has even worsened.
Experiences at Xinhua New Agency
left Mark Newham with “psychological shadow,”
which needed psychiatric counseling to clear.

Mark Newham is a freelancer. He says,
despite the title, the book is not about circus.
It is documentation of his experiences, emotions,
and reflections as a Western journalist
inside China』s propaganda machine.

He says the theme of this book is “anger”,
the kind of anger caused by deception.

According to Mark Newham,
China has not changed on the social-political level.
Western media and writers are often blinded
by the economic growth in China, misconceiving
Shanghai』s Pudong as representative of China.

Working for Xinhua News Agency enabled Newham
to access people and places hidden from foreigners,
and allowed him to see the real China.

The book reveals that before the 2008 Olympic games,
media control in China was somewhat loosened.
However, media freedom was quickly diminished
right after the Olympic games.

China opened up to foreign media and so-called
“harmful websites” during the Olympics till Oct. 17,2008.
On Oct. 16, the government announced such access
would become permanent.
But it was immediately noticed that foreign media still
needed permission to report in Tibet and Xinjiang.

Newham remarks that changes in China stop
on the economical level. On the socio-political level,
the development is slow or even reversed.

He believes the problem is in the power structure.
Unlike in Western countries,
government officials in China are not elected.

Internet user “Jane” says: “It』s difficult for foreigners
to truly understand China even after many years of
living in this country, because everyone is putting up
a show in front of foreigners…
I was a reporter in Beijing. I know how
lies are turned into beautiful prints every day.

In Huangshi, Hubei, interviewees for news broadcasts
were asked to read prepared scripts by the TV station.

On Jan. 23, 2001, CCTV claimed that Falun Gong
practitioners were responsible for the Tiananmen
Square self-immolation incident. On Aug. 14, 2001,
International Education Development stated
at the U.N. that video analysis showed
the “Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident” was
“staged by the government” to slander Falun Gong.


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