【看中國2022年7月23日訊】7月21日下午,近2000人在美國首都華盛頓DC舉行集會與反迫害遊行,呼籲制止中共對法輪功的迫害。在國家廣場(National Mall)集會上,全球退黨服務中心主席易蓉在集會中發表《4億中國人退出中共—一個自由中國正在誕生》演講。
400 Million Chinese Quit CCP–A Free China in the Making
Greetings Everyone!
It』s my great honor to be here today,honoring 23 long years of courage in the face of the persecution.
First of all,I am very excited to share with you agood news:at current rates,in about 2weeks,the number of Chinese people to renounce the CCP will reach 400 million.That』s aremarkable step in our 17 years efforts of helping Chinese people realize the evil nature of CCP and quit CCP.Quit CCP(also called Tuidang)movement is China』s biggest grass root movement—400 million Chinese sons and daughters renounced CCP,its』a milestone that will bring positive changes in China;a free China is in the making.
The CCP came in from the West,like aghost haunting aland,has brought to the world acentury of disasters.Through out deceit and violence it has deprived the Chinese people of basic human rights and freedoms.The ultimate goal of the communism is to destroy mankind.
Facing the evil persecution over the past 23 years,Falun Gong practitioners have always adhered to their belief in“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”.While fight against severe persecution,Falun Gong practitioners in China have suffered from brainwashing,re-education through forced labor,live organ harvesting,torture and even lose of lives.Which did not stop them from widely spreading the truth,and spreading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and persuading people to quit the CCP.400 Million Chinese people quit the Party is one of the countless miracles in the world created by Falun Gong in the past 23 years.The CCP is heading for complete disintegration due to the persecution of Falun Gong.
CCP endangers the whole world.More and more people have realized that It』s the most critical issue to put an end to CCP』s global threat.While the quit CCP movement focused on Chinese people,Global Service Center initiated acampaign to End CCP/End the Evil Chinese Communist Party globally in June 2020,Some volunteers from Greater New York are actively passing this message to American people by driving cars and trucks across America.
We have toured 35 States,about 15000 miles from Maine in the Northeastern to the corner of the Southernmost Florida;from New York of the Atlantic Ocean in the East to Chicago on the Great Lakes,San Francisco and Los Angeles on the Pacific coast in the west,and Houston in the South on the Gulf of Mexico.
Our volunteers are ready for next tour nearly 8000 miles through 13 more states we haven』t been before,mainly to the states on the US-Canada border and the central states in order to cover 48 states,touring all major cities by cars and trucks.
Wherever our cars and trucks go,we expose the evil nature of CCP and its harms to America and the world.Wherever we go,we are so much welcome by American people.
Such truth car tours also carrying on in other countries such like in Australia.
Thousands of volunteers work tireless to share and tell people about End CCP.
Since the start of ENDCCP campaine,more than 2.4 million people around the world have signed the petition on the website at Endccp.com.
The red wall is collapsing.History books are turning to anew page.I see the tide of quitting the CCP,driven by the active participation of hundreds of millions of Chinese people,is peacefully dismantling the CCP』s criminal regime.A new China without CCP is in the making.
Please allow me,on behalf of the Globle Tuidang Center,to express my thanks to US government and American people who have offered their support.
I would like to call for an end to CCP』s 23 years long brutal persecutions to Falun Gong practitioners;call to an end to CCP』s brutal persecution to all Chinese people regardless of their religions or belief;call for release of all prisoners of conscience in China,especially those who have helped the Quit CCP movement.
Let』s work together to End CCP/End the Evil Chinese Communist Party for world peace and prosperity.
Thank you very much!
Rong Yi
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。