Q Mr. President, what do you think about the Three Seas Initiative of Central and Eastern Europe in (inaudible)?
Q Three Seas Initiative that was helping Europe (inaudible)?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, we’re going to be discussing a lot of those elements today.
Q Mr. President, are you concerned about your internal polling as it relates to Joe Biden?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, because we have great internal polling. They were fake polls that were released by somebody that is — it’s ridiculous.
川普總統:不,因為我們有很好的內部投票。他們是由某人發布的假民意調查 - 這是荒謬的。
No, we are winning in every single state that we’ve polled. We’re winning in Texas very big. We’re winning in Ohio very big. We’re winning in Florida very big. They were fake polls that were either put out by the corrupt media — because much of the media in this country unfortunately is corrupt; I have to tell you that, Mr. President. And some of it is excellent, but some is very bad.
不,我們在我們進行過調查的每個州都獲勝。我們在得克薩斯州的勝利非常大。我們在俄亥俄州的勝利非常大。我們在佛羅裏達州的勝利非常大。他們是由腐敗媒體提出的虛假民意調查 - 因為不幸的是,這個國家的大部分媒體都是腐敗的;總統先生,我必須告訴你。其中一些非常好,但有些非常糟糕。
Those are fake numbers. But you know when you’re going to see that? You’re going to see that on Election Day. On Election Day, you’re going to see it. It was the same thing — I had the same thing for —
這些都是假數字。但你知道什麼時候你會看到它嗎?你將在選舉日看到這一點。在選舉日,你會看到它。這是一回事 - 我有同樣的事情 -
Q Some of your advisors say there is concern.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I had the same thing for a long period of time in 2016. I was getting these terrible poll numbers, and I didn’t see it, because I’d have tremendous crowds and my opponent would have almost nobody. And I said, “I think we’re going to win the state of Michigan” — and we did. “I think we’re going to win the state of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio.” And we won them all.
川普總統:我在2016年有很長一段時間經歷了同樣的事情。我得到了這些糟糕的民意調查數字,我沒去看它們,因為參加我的集會有很多人,我的對手幾乎沒有人。我說,「我認為我們將贏得密歇根州」 - 我們做到了。 「我想我們將贏得威斯康星州,賓夕法尼亞州,俄亥俄州。」我們贏得了所有這些州。
And now I have the same stuff. They’re giving out phony polls. No, these are polls that we have, that nobody saw. We do very little polling because I’m not a huge believer in polling. I think you go out there and you fight and you don’t really need polls. You need ideas more than polls.
But we have some internal polling — very little — and it’s unbelievably strong. The strongest I’ve ever been is exactly today.
但我們有一些內部投票 - 很少 - 而且它的結果好的令人難以置信。我得到的最強勁的(投票)恰恰就是今天。
Q Some of your advisors say there is concern. Is that inaccurate?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, they’re not advisors. It’s fake news. You don’t understand what I’m saying. Those advisors don’t exist. They don’t exist. It’s made up by the newspapers. It’s fake news.
Q Mr. President, the House and Senate committees have subpoena power. How is this going to play out over the next two years?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think what the Democrats are trying to do — because they know they’re going to lose the election so they’re going to give this a shot — they’re going to — just every day they’re going to be going more and more after, after.
川普總統:嗯,我想民主黨人正在試圖做什麼 - 因為他們知道他們將失去選舉,所以他們要用這個方法試一下 - 他們會去 - 他們每天要去(搞事),以後會越來越多。
I don’t know if you have this, Mr. President, but we have people that are totally out of control. It’s the only way they think they can win the election. So we’ll see what happens. But at some point, the Mueller report spoke. They were very disappointed. It said, “No collusion and no obstruction and no nothing.” And, in fact, it said we actually rebuffed your friends from Russia; that we actually pushed them back — we rebuffed them.
總統先生,我不知道你是否遇到過這個,但我們有完全失控的人。這是他們認為可以贏得大選的唯一方式。所以我們將會看到發生什麼事。但在某些時間點上,穆勒的報告說話了。他們非常失望。報告說,「沒有勾結,沒有阻礙司法,沒有任何東西。」事實上,它說我們實際上拒絕了你的俄羅斯朋友;我們實際上把他們推回去了 - 我們拒絕了他們。
So, the Democrats were very unhappy with the Mueller report. So now they’re trying to do a do-over or a redo. And we’re not doing that. We gave them everything. We were the most transparent presidency in history. We gave them everything. And you and I, we’ve all had this conversation many times before. There’s never been anybody so transparent. Gave them 1.5 million documents. We gave them hundreds of people. I gave them lawyers, which I didn’t have to give. I didn’t have to give anybody. We gave them everybody.
And people that didn’t like Donald Trump — 18 Trump haters — 18 Democrats, and they were Trump haters. And they were supporters, in some cases, of Hillary Clinton. They made the decision. And Bob Mueller, no fan of Donald Trump; I’m no fan of his. And Bob Mueller came out with a report that said “no collusion” and, by the way — and led to no obstruction.
而那些不喜歡唐納德·川普的人 -18名仇恨川普者 - 18名民主黨人,他們是對川普懷恨在心者。在某些情況下,他們是希拉裏·克林頓的支持者。他們做出了決定。還有鮑勃·穆勒,他不是川普·特朗普的粉絲;我也不是他的粉絲。鮑勃·穆勒發表了一份報告,說「沒有勾結」,順便說一下 – 這也了導致了沒有阻礙司法。
So now the Democrats want to try and win an election, so they just keep it going. And I think the American public is not going to stand for it. I’ll tell you what the Democrats should be doing; they should be working on the border, they should be working on drug pricing, and they should be working on infrastructure, where we could get that done very quickly, but they don’t have any time to do anything. And I think it’s going to be a tremendous day for us. It’s a year and half now until the election. I think it’s going to be a tremendous day for us.
Q Mr. President, what are you expecting to get out of your meeting with President Xi at the G20? And also, can you update us on the agreement you have with Mexico that you alluded to yesterday?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We expect to have a meeting with President Xi. We’re doing very well with respect to China. We’re taking in billions and billions of dollars, which we never took in before. The tariffs are — been, you know, very strong. We have 25 percent of $250 billion. And tremendous money is flowing into our Treasury.
川普總統:我們希望與習主席會晤。我們在中國方面做得很好。我們收取了數十億美元,這是我們以前從未收取過的。關稅是 - 你知道,非常強大。我們有2500億美元的25%。巨額資金流入我們的財政部。
China is subsidizing those companies, so our people are not paying for it. If you look, our people are not paying for it. China is subsidizing those companies so that people continue to work.
Now, the problem for China is that a lot of companies are leaving China because they don’t want to pay the tariffs. But we’re doing very well. And I think — I have a feeling that we’re going to make a deal with China because I really don’t believe that China wants to continue the problem that they really caused themselves. Because we had a deal done.
現在,中國的問題是許多公司因為不想支付關稅而離開中國。但我們做得很好。而且我認為 - 我有一種感覺,我們將與中國達成協議,因為我真的不相信中國想繼續他們真正自造的麻煩。因為我們曾經完成了協議。
Almost, I would say, all of the tough points were negotiated. They were negotiated and they were agreed to. And everything was finished. And then China told us they can’t agree to things that they already agreed on. All right. And that’s okay.
So I said, “That’s okay. We’re going to put tariffs on — 25 percent on $250 billion.”
Now we have another $325 billion left. And if we don’t make a deal, we’re going to put a tariff on that too. And the United States is making more money than they’ve ever made ever, ever before from China. I’d like to make a deal, but we’ll see what happens. But I can tell you, as much as I’d like to, China wishes they had that deal to do over again, because what they did was wrong. You can’t renegotiate a deal. We had a deal that was done and they wanted to renegotiate. You can’t do that.
Q We know that President Duda invited you to Poland again. Are you going to visit —
PRESIDENT TRUMP: That’s right.
Q — Warsaw in September?
問:- 9月的華沙?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think I will. We haven’t picked a date, but we will. I just had an incredible time. That speech was special, from the standpoint of the people of Poland. And I know it was considered a very important speech. You people even gave me very high marks on that speech. I could say it, but I don’t want to say it, but some people said it was the best speech ever made by a President in Europe. But I did not say that. I’m just quoting other people. (Laughter.)
川普總統:我想我會的。我們沒有選擇日子,但我們會。我度過了一段難以置信的時光。從波蘭人民的角度來看,那個演講很特別。我知道它被認為是一個非常重要的演講。你們的人民甚至給了我很高的評價。我可以這麼說,但我不想這麼說,但有些人說這是一位歐洲的總統有史以來最好的演講。但我沒有這麼說。我只是引用其他人的話。 (笑聲。)
But it was a great — it was a great day. The two folks — you treated us so great. I’ll never forget it. We won’t forget our trip to Poland. Very, very tremendous, special people.
但這太棒了 - 這是美好的一天。兩個人 - 你對我們這麼好。我永遠不會忘記它。我們不會忘記我們的波蘭之行。非常,非常了不起,特殊的人民。
Q Mr. President, how concerned are you —
問:總統先生,你多麼關心 -
Q Mr. President, should the women’s soccer team get paid as much as the men’s?
Q — about backsliding on democracy in Poland?
Q Should the women’s soccer team —
問:女子足球隊應該 -
Go ahead.
Q Mr. President, how concerned are you about backsliding on democracy in Poland? And will that be a subject of discussion today?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I’m not concerned. I know the President very well. I know the people and the leadership of Poland very well. I’m not concerned at all. By the way, Poland is doing so well and they know if they do backslide, they won’t be doing well like they’re doing right now.
They’ve probably never done better economically. They’re like us: The U.S. has never done better economically than we’re doing right now. They don’t want to backslide. They won’t backslide. And besides that, they owe us a lot of money because they’re buying a lot of things, right? So that’s important. So they have to do well. We have to make sure they do well. We’re very, very happy with Poland.
You may want to say something about that.
PRESIDENT DUDA: (Inaudible) someone cheated you. Sorry.
Q Excuse me?
PRESIDENT DUDA: Someone cheated you. There is no problems with democracy in Poland. Really.
Q Thank you.
PRESIDENT DUDA: Everything is excellent.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: That’s what I hear. Okay?
Q President Trump?
Q The base that Poland says they want to build, is this permanent? Is this meant to house a permanent U.S. presence or not?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: This would be a — certainly a statement that the U.S. would be making. I don’t talk about permanence or non-permanence. But this would be a statement that the U.S. is making.
Steve, go ahead. Please.
Q How many troops are you talking about?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, they’re talking about 2,000 troops, but we’d be taking them out of Germany or we’d be moving them from another location. It would be no additional troops to Europe. We’ve be moving them from another location.
Q And have you signed off on this?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: And as you know, we have 52,000 troops in Germany, and Germany is not living up to what they’re supposed to be doing with respect to NATO, and Poland is. I have to congratulate you. Thank you very much.
But Poland is paying the max. The max will be raised. I raised over $100 billion last year from countries that were not paying. And it wasn’t fair to the United States. So we put in — they put up over $100 billion more.
但波蘭正在支付最高的北約軍費。最高值將被提高。我去年從那些沒有付錢的國家籌集了超過1000億美元。這對美國來說不公平。所以我們投入了 - 他們增加了超過1000億美元。
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