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美國總統川普推特2019年5月1日,即時摘譯 :
2019年5月1日, 早晨6:03
NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!
2019年五月1日, 早晨5:28
Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI? He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!
2019年五月1日, 早晨5:06
Congress must change the Immigration Laws now, Dems won’t act. Wall is being built - 400 miles by end of next year. Mexico must stop the march to Border!
國會現在必須改變移民法,民主黨不會採取行動。 邊境牆正在建造 —— 明年年底前將建成400英里。墨西哥必須阻止人潮湧往邊境!
2019年五月1日, 早晨4:11
“No President in history has endured such vicious personal attacks by political opponents. Still, the President’s record is unparalleled.”
2019年五月1日, 早晨4:01
Gallup Poll: 56% of Americans rate their financial situation as excellent or good. This is the highest number since 2002, and up 10 points since 2016.
2019年五月1日, 早晨3:50
I am overriding the Decommission Order of the magnificent aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, built in 1998 (fairly new), and considered one of the largest and finest in the world. It will be updated at a fraction of the cost of a new one (which also are being built)!
2019年五月1日, 早晨3:36
“The Democrats can’t come to grips with the fact that there was No Collusion, there was No Conspiracy, there was No Obstruction. What we should be focused on is what’s been going on in our government, at the highest levels of the FBI....” Senator Josh Hawley
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