比如,中國人在餐廳或咖啡廳,會說:「我想要一個漢堡包」或者「我想要一杯咖啡」。但是,如果直接把這些話翻譯成英語「I want to have a hamburger.」或「I want to have a coffee.」老外們會覺得這樣說話很沒有禮貌,當然他們也不會直接告訴你。而在西方國家,老外們一般會說:「Could I have a hamburger, please?」或「Can I have a coffee, please?」在這裡joy同學又提到一個需要注意的問題,「打工的孩子最容易不注意的是see you.See u應該是客人說的,隱含了他覺得不錯他會再來的意思,而店員最好用低調一點的bye,用see u太強勢了。另外人家說謝謝,你也不用說you are welcome, 這實在是太正式了,有點真把自己當回事覺得幫了人家的味道。回答cheers或no worries就好,如果僅僅是對方愛說謝,你甚至可以不回應他的謝,直接說你要說的就好,如果是買了他的東西他謝你,更不能說you r welcome了,最好也謝對方」
再比如,中國人在拒絕別人邀請的午宴或晚宴時,會說:「抱歉,我不能去,我還有別的安排。」翻譯成英文就是「Sorry,I can’t. I have another appointment.」如果這樣說,那別人第二次也許不會再邀請你了。老外們一般會這樣說:「That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.」
1、西方人(主要指有一定修養的歐美人)在與他人交流時,比較多地使用情態動詞:can、could、may、might、would等等;情態動詞(Model Verbs)又稱為情態助動詞(Model Auxil-iaries),表示說話人的語氣,可表達建議、要求、可能和意願等,使得說話的語氣比較有禮貌。
2、比較多地使用虛擬語氣,比如would (had) rather、would (had) sooner、would (just) as soon等等,或者在陳述句中使用過去式表示虛擬語氣,或者使用if等引導的從句表示「可能性」。這樣說話可以使人感覺表達者是在考慮達到最佳的結果或方式,盡量避免不好的結果或方式,或者推測可能出現的問題,並找出可能解決的辦法。
3、往往在句尾加please,而不是在句首加please。當please用在句首的時候,語氣聽起來就比較強,聽起來像命令。比如請求別人做某事的時候,我們中國人會說「請在週一前給我回覆。謝謝。」但是如果你直接用英語說「Please reply to me by Monday. Thank you.」聽者會覺得你是在命令他,一點禮貌也沒有。而如果這樣說:「Could you please reply to me by Monday? Thank you.」就顯得有禮貌了。
5、說話要以他人為中心,以肯定他人、贊同他人為前提,讓自己顯得謙卑、渺小。說完之後,還要附帶一句「Thank you」或「Thanks」。其實,這種禮貌的表達方式是來自古老的中國。這是東西方文化的共同點,也是為人處世的基本原則。瞭解英語中禮貌的表達方式,盡量讓自己的英語表達更有禮貌,融入社會。
When the British say "I hear what you say. " They mean "I disagree and do not want to discuss it further." But what others understand is "He accepts my point of view."
When the British say "With the greatest respect… " They mean "I think you are an idiot." But what others understand is "He is listening to me."
When the British say "That's not bad. " They mean "That's good." But what others understand is "That's poor."
When the British say "That is a very brave proposal. " They mean "You are insane." But what others understand is "He thinks I have courage."
When the British say "Quite good. " They mean "A bit disappointing." But what others understand is "Quite good."
When the British say "I would suggest… " They mean "Do it or be prepared to justify yourself." But what others understand is "Think about the idea, but do what you like."
When the British say "Oh, incidentally / by the way… " They mean "The primary purpose of our discussion is…" But what others understand is "That is not very important."
When the British say "I was a bit disappointed that… " They mean "I am annoyed that…" But what others understand is "It doesn't really matter."
When the British say "Very interesting. " They mean "That is clearly nonsense." But what others understand is "They are impressed."
When the British say "I'll bear it in mind. " They mean "I've forgotten it already." But what others understand is "They will probably do it."
When the British say "I'm sure it's my fault. " They mean "It's your fault." But what others understand is "Why do they think it was their fault?"
When the British say "You must come for dinner. " They mean "It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite." But what others understand is "I will get an invitation soon."
When the British say "I almost agree. " They mean "I don't agree at all." But what others understand is "He's not far from agreement."
When the British say "I only have a few minor comments. " They mean "Please re-write completely." But what others understand is "He has found a few typos."
When the British say "Could we consider some other options?" They mean "I don't like your idea." But what others understand is "They have not yet decided."
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