British Council Announces Results of 70 Most Beautiful Words Survey
British Council wanted a creative and fun way to celebrate our 70th anniversary. British Council teachers in centres worldwide organised classroom activities with over 7000 learners of English to choose what they considered to be the 70 most beautiful words in the English language.
We also ran an online poll in all non-English speaking country websites in order to rank these 70 words and find the top ten. Over 35,000 visitors to our websites worldwide cast their votes.
Mother is the most beautiful word in the English language, according to a survey of 42,000 learners of English round the world.
The top ten are interesting, if a little short on surprises – the more unexpected entries come further down the ranking. Who for instance, could have predicted such entries as whoops in 56th place or zing at 68?
Meanwhile, take a look at the full results bellow.
1. mother 母親
2. passion 激情
3. smile 微笑
4. love 愛
5. eternity 永恆
6. fantastic 奇異的
7. destiny 命運
8. freedom 自由
9. liberty 自主
10. tranquillity 安寧
11. peace 和平
12. blossom 花叢
13. sunshine 陽光
14. sweetheart 情人,愛人
15. gorgeous 絢麗的
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