
发表:2008-06-19 23:53
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"This notorious river pirate killed several persons. The last offense was the gouging out of a man's eyes. He is placed in the cage with planks coming snugly around his neck; several flat stones are placed under his feet. He stood in the thoroughfare of the six gates of the city (old Shanghai) for one day each. During all that time he had to stand erect or strangle. He was then placed in an open square where one stone was to be removed each day until he died of strangulation. This fiendish punishment is seldom resorted to, and has created great excitement among the Chinese. Dense crowds were around the criminal every day; yesterday, the day for removing the stones, his friend in some way got to him some deadly opiate by which he killed himself. The first day he (the criminal) allowed snap shots at 50 cents. The second he charged $5.00 Mexican silver ($2.00 gold). I gave it on condition he would take off his hat to show his face. Two Chinese photographers got pictures of him and placed them in their windows as ads. The crowd to see and buy the pictures became so great, the Chief of Police ordered the pictures taken down, as the crowds obstructed the streets. "



来源:jnxu's blog

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