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请勿错过:【川普】中国想达成协议 我还没准备好 (全文翻译 二) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/20/904338.html
请勿错过:【川普】随时可与习通话 会谈有实质性 (全文翻译 三) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/21/904417.html
Morristown Municipal Airport
Morristown, New Jersey
4:32 P.M. EDT
China is eating the tariffs because of monetary manipulation. And also, they’re pouring a lot of money into their country because they don’t want to lose jobs. They’re losing, as you probably know, because you reported it, but they lost over 2 million jobs in a short period of time. And they want to make a deal; we’ll see what happens. But they definitely want to make a deal.
I’d like to see Hong Kong worked out in a very humanitarian fashion. I hope President Xi can do it. He sure has the ability, I can tell you that, from personal knowledge. He certainly has the ability to do it if he wants to. So, I’d like to see that worked out in a humanitarian fashion. I think it would be very good for the trade deal that we’re talking about.
And other than that, if you have any questions?
Q What’s the status of your deliberations on the Afghanistan — the troop withdrawal and where things stand?
问:您对阿富汗问题的审议情况如何 - 撤军和现状如何?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’re looking at Afghanistan. We’re talking to Afghanistan, both the government and also talking to the Taliban, having very good discussions. We’ll see what happens. We’ve really got it down to, probably, 13,000 people. And we’ll be bringing it down a little bit more, and then we’ll decide whether or not we’ll be staying longer or not. We’re having very good discussions with the Taliban. We’re having very good discussions with the Afghan government.总统:好的,我们正在关注阿富汗问题。我们正在与阿富汗谈判,包括与政府和与塔利班都进行了非常好的讨论。我们会看到将发生什么。我们会把它降低为大约13,000人,而且会更低一点,然后我们将决定我们是否会驻留更长时间。我们正在与塔利班进行很好的讨论。我们正在与阿富汗政府进行非常好的讨论。
Q What’s the argument for staying?
THE PRESIDENT: I think just that we’ve been there for 19 years. We’re like a police force. And that’s about it, frankly.
I think it’s very important that we continue intelligence there, in all cases, because it is somewhat of a nest for hitting us. If you look at what happened with the World Trade, it essentially came out of Afghanistan. Most of the people, I think, they may not have come from Afghanistan originally, but that’s where they were taught. So there’s a big argument to be made. And I buy that argument.
You know, it’s very tough when somebody says, “Well, this is a big breeding ground.” And it is a breeding ground. And we have things under control very well with a small force. We can probably make it a little bit smaller, and then we’ll decide. It’ll depend on the Taliban. It’ll depend on the Afghan government. But there is a case to be made. And the case also is that we’re going to be leaving very significant intelligence behind for just the reasons I stated.
你知道,这件事很艰难的,所以有人说,“这是一个很大的滋生地。”这确实是一个滋生地。我们可以用一只很小的力量控制好那里。我们可能会用更小的力量,我们将作出决定。这将取决于塔利班。这将取决于阿富汗政府。这是一个需要做的案例。而且要考虑这个情况:我们将留下非常重要的情报力量。 这是基于我上面所说的原因。
Q Have you spoken to President Xi, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: I can’t comment on that. Can’t do it, Maggie.
Q Can you comment at all on where things stand in terms of the China negotiations? You said there was progress.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think President Xi obviously has this in mind because he probably would’ve acted faster. So I think he has at least something in mind, having to do with trade, because it’s something he could do fairly easily. It could be, unfortunately, very ruthless. So I do think it plays on his mind, and I do think he — he’s thinking about what I’ve had to say. It would have an impact on trade; there’s no question about it.
嗯,我认为习主席显然对此有一些想法,因为他可能采取的行动会更快。所以我认为他至少有一些关于贸易的想法,因为这些事情对他来说相对容易做一些。不幸的是,它可能是非常无情的。所以我认为他的脑海中在考虑这些事情,我确实认为他 - 他正在考虑我曾说的话。这毫无疑问会对贸易产生影响。
Q Is there any U.S. land holding that you would be willing to do in exchange —
问:有没有任何美国持有的土地在您愿意做的交换范围之内 -
THE PRESIDENT: Little louder, Maggie.
Q In order to get your interest in Greenland, which has been widely reported, is there anything —
问:在已被广泛报导的您对(购买)格陵兰岛的兴趣中,有没有任何 -
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Greenland, I don’t know — it got released somehow. It’s just something we talked about. Denmark essentially owns it. We’re very good allies with Denmark. We protect Denmark like we protect large portions of the world. So the concept came up and I said, “Certainly, I’d be. Strategically, it’s interesting, and we’d be interested.” But we’ll talk to them a little bit. It’s not number one on the burner, I can tell you that.
总统:嗯,格陵兰岛,我不知道 - 它以某种方式被开放了。这只是我们谈到的事情。丹麦基本上拥有它。我们是丹麦的非常好的盟友。我们像保护世界大部分地区一样保护丹麦。所以这个概念出现了,我说:“当然,我会。从战略上讲,它很有趣,我们会感兴趣。”但我们会跟他们稍微谈一谈它。它不是头等大事,我可以告诉你。
Q Would you ever make an exchange with them of any kind for U.S. territories?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, a lot of things can be done. I mean, essentially, it’s a large real estate deal. A lot of things can be done. It’s hurting Denmark very badly because they’re losing almost $700 million a year carrying it. So they carry it at a great loss. And, strategically, for the United States, it would be nice. And we’re a big ally of Denmark, and we help Denmark and we protect Denmark, and we will.
In fact, I’m supposed to stop. I’m thinking about going there. I’m not necessarily definitely going there, but I may be going. We’re going to Poland and then we may be going to Denmark — not for this reason at all. But we’re looking at it. It’s not number one on the burner.
事实上,我应该在那里停下来(看一看)。我正考虑去那里。我不一定肯定会去那里,但我可能会去。我们要去波兰,然后我们可能会去丹麦 – 但根本不是出于这个原因。我们正在关注这件事。但它不是头等大事。
Q Mr. President, sir, back to Afghanistan. Two questions on that. First of all, have you seen the reports about the suicide bomber at a wedding? There were more than 60 people killed. And so, why then could you trust the Taliban to keep Afghanistan safe from terrorists when you have a suicide bomber killing so many people there?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m not trusting anybody. Look, I’m not trusting anybody. It’s a horrible situation that’s going on in Afghanistan. It has been for many years. Russia tried to do something. And at the time they did it, they were the Soviet Union, and now they’re Russia. They spent all their wealth on trying to do something in that land. There have been many, many great nations in that land. It’s a difficult territory.
There are a lot of very good people there, I will say, but they’re also good fighters. We have it very much under control as far as what we’re doing. But the rest is — you know, a lot of bad things happen in Kabul. A lot of bad things are happening in Afghanistan, and some very positive things.
我会说,那里有很多非常好的人,但他们也是好的战士。就我们正在做的事情而言,我们已经很大程度上掌控了那个地方。但剩下来其余部分 - 你知道,喀布尔发生了很多不好的事情。阿富汗正在发生许多不好的事情,但也还有一些非常正面的事情。
But we would — look, we’re there for one reason: We don’t want that to be a laboratory. Okay? It can’t be a laboratory for terror. And we’ve stopped that, and we have a very, very good view. I mean, some things are going to be announced over the next couple of weeks as to what happened, who’s been taken out. A lot of people have been taken out that were very bad — both ISIS and al Qaeda.
但我们会 - 看,我们在那里有一个原因:我们不希望它成为一个实验室。懂了吧?它不可以成为一个实施恐怖的实验室。我们已经阻止了这一点,我们有一个非常非常好的前瞻。我的意思是,在接下来的几个星期里,会宣布一些事情,关于发生了什么,谁被带走了。已经有很多坏人被带走了 - 包括伊斯兰国和基地组织。
Q And Senator Lindsey Graham said that for you to withdraw the U.S. troops from Afghanistan and entrust the Taliban would be the biggest mistake since Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I guess that means Lindsey is a very tough man, isn’t he? Huh?
Okay. What else?
Q On Huawei — is the administration going to allow U.S. businesses to continue selling to Huawei? Is there going to be an extension of the license tomorrow?
问:关于华为 - 政府是否允许美国企业继续向华为销售?明天是否会延长许可证?
THE PRESIDENT: No. That was reported. And, actually, it’s the opposite. Huawei. Huawei is a company we may not do business with at all. And it was sort of reported, I think the opposite, today — I was surprised — that we are open to doing business. We’re actually open not to doing business with them. So I don’t know who gave the report.
总统:不会。这已经被报导了。实际上,情况正好相反。华为。华为是一家我们可能根本不与之做生意的公司。这似乎已经报导了,但我认为今天的报导是相反的, - 我很惊讶 - 我们在做生意上是开放的。但我们实际上很坦率,不与他们做生意。所以我不知道是谁作了(错误的)报导。
Now, they have little sections of Huawei, like furniture and other things that we could do. But when you cut out sections, it gets very complicated: what’s being sold, what’s coming in.
So, at this moment, it looks much more like we’re not going to do business. I don’t want to do business at all, because it is a national security threat. And I really believe that the media has covered it a little bit differently than that. So we’re looking, really, not to do business with Huawei. And we’re actually talking about not doing any business, because, again, the rest of it is not national security, but it’s very difficult to determine what’s coming in and what’s not coming in. It’s still Huawei. So we’ll be making a decision over that in the not-too-distant future. But it’s a little bit the opposite of what seemed to be reported this morning.
Q How were your meetings at Bedminster, sir? How was your meeting with Tim Cook? Did you meet with other folks? Who did you golf with?
THE PRESIDENT: I had a very good meeting with Tim Cook. I have a lot of respect for Tim Cook. And Tim was talking to me about tariffs.
And, you know, one of the things — and he made a good case — is that Samsung is their number-one competitor, and Samsung is not paying tariffs because they’re based in South Korea. And it’s tough for Apple to pay tariffs if they’re competing with a very good company that’s not. I said, “How good a competitor?” He said they are a very good competitor. So, Samsung is not paying tariffs because they’re based in a different location, mostly South Korea, but they’re based in South Korea. And I thought he made a very compelling argument, so I’m thinking about it.
并且,你知道,其中一件事 - 他的陈述很有说服力 - 三星是他们的头号竞争者,三星不支付关税,因为他们的总部设在韩国。如果苹果公司与一家非常好的公司竞争,那么它很难支付关税。我说,“竞争对手有多好?”他说他们是一个非常好的竞争对手。因此,三星不支付关税,因为它们位于不同的地方,主要是韩国,但他们的总部设在韩国。我认为他提出了一个非常有说服力的论点,所以我正在思考它。
Q And, sir, there’s reporting on CNN that Larry Kudlow may be leaving at some point soon. Do you have confidence in him?
问:先生,CNN报导说拉里•库德洛(Larry Kudlow)很快就会离开。您对他有信心吗?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I hope not. I love Larry Kudlow. I think he’s done a fantastic job. He has been going through health problems, as you know. But I watched him this morning; he was terrific. I think Larry is a fantastic guy. But I haven’t heard that at all.
Q And are you doing any planning, or are you going to be directing your administration to plan for the possibility of a recession?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t see a recession. I mean, the world is in a recession right now. And — although, that’s too big a statement. But if you look at China, China is doing very, very poorly. They’ve had — I just saw a report — they’ve had the worst year they’ve had in 27 years because of what I’ve done. And they want to come to the negotiating table. You know, they’re having companies lose — I mean, they’re leaving. The companies are leaving. And they’re laying off millions of people because they don’t want to pay 25 percent. And that’s why they want to come to the table. I don’t think there’s another reason other than President Xi, I’m sure, likes me very much. But they’re losing millions and millions of jobs in China. And we’re not paying for the tariffs; China is paying for the tariffs, for the one-hundredth time.
总统:我不认为会有经济衰退。我的意思是,整个世界现在处于衰退之中,虽然这个定论太大了。但如果你看看中国,中国的表现非常非常糟糕。他们在经历 - 我刚刚看到一份报告 - 由于我的成就,他们经历了27年来最糟糕的一年。他们想来谈判桌。你知道,他们让公司流失 - 我的意思是,这些公司在移出。这些公司正在离开。他们因为不想支付25%的关税而裁员数百万人。这就是为什么他们想要来到谈判桌。除此之外,我不认为除了习主席非常喜欢我之外,还有另外的原因,我敢肯定。但他们在中国失去了数白万计的就业机会。我们没有支付关税;而中国正在支付关税,这是第100次了。
And I understand tariffs work very well. Other countries it may be that if I do things with other countries. But in the case of China, China is eating the tariffs, at least so far.
Q But a lot of economists say that you should be preparing for a recession; that no President is immune from a recession, and that it’s malpractice for the government not to be doing something to get ready for that scenario.
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. Phil, honestly, I’m prepared for everything. I don’t think we’re having a recession. We’re doing tremendously well. Our consumers are rich. I gave a tremendous tax cut, and they’re loaded up with money. They’re buying. I saw the Wal-Mart numbers; they were through the roof, just two days ago. That’s better than any poll. That’s better than any economist.
And most economists actually say, Phil, that we’re not going to have a recession. Most of them are saying we’re not going to have a recession.
But the rest of the world is not doing well like we’re doing. The rest of the world, if you look at Germany, if you look at European Union; frankly, look at the UK — I mean, look at a lot of countries — they’re not doing well. China is doing poorly. Parts of Asia are doing poorly.
但是世界其它地方并没有像我们这样好。你看世界其它地方,如果你看看德国,看看欧盟;坦率地说,看看英国 - 我的意思是,看看很多国家 - 他们表现不佳。中国表现不佳。亚洲部分地区表现不佳。
We are doing better than any country, or even area, anywhere in the world. We’re doing great. And our consumer is really, really strong, and it looks like they’re going to be for a long time.
Also, when you go in and analyze the curve, the curve always means that about two years later maybe you’ll go in. That’s a long time — two years. But I don’t think so. Interest rates are low. I think I could be helped out by the Fed, but the Fed doesn’t like helping me too much. But, you know, frankly, we have money that’s pouring into our country because they want the security of the United States.
此外,当你进行深入的曲线分析时,曲线总是意味着大约两年后你可能会进入那个状态。那是很长一段时间 - 两年。但我不这么认为。利率很低。我想我可以得到美联储的帮助,但美联储不喜欢帮助我太多。但是,你知道,坦率地说,我们有钱涌入我们国家,因为他们想要美国的安全投资环境。
We have billions and billions of dollars daily that’s pouring in — we’ve never had anything like this — because they want to come into the United States. That’s a great thing. That means we can loan that money out.
我们每天都有数十亿上百亿美元涌入 - 我们从来没有过这样的事情 - 因为钱想要进入美国。那是件大好事。这意味着我们可以把这些钱贷出去。
Mortgage rates are at an all-time low. Borrowing costs are at an all-time low. It’s probably a great time. I told Secretary Mnuchin that this is a great time to refinance our bonds, or some of our bonds.
You know, it’s — I mean, the money is pouring into the U.S. like never before and like no other country has ever experienced, including China money. I mean, China money — everybody — they’re all coming into the U.S. So we’ve never had anything like it. I think our economy is very, very good.
你知道,这是 - 我的意思是,钱正以前所未有的方式涌入美国,包括中国的钱,其他任何国家都没有经历过这种情况。我的意思是,中国的钱 – 所有的国家的钱 – 它们都要进入美国,所以我们从未有过类似的情况。我认为我们的经济非常非常好。
请勿错过:【川普】中国想达成协议 我还没准备好 (全文翻译 二) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/20/904338.html
请勿错过:【川普】随时可与习通话 会谈有实质性 (全文翻译 三) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/08/21/904417.html
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