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2019年5月12日 下午07:00
....overthrow the President through an illegal coup.”(Recommended by previous DOJ)
.....通过非法政变推翻总统。” (此话是前司法部提出的)
2019年5月12日 下午07:00
....and the Democrat National Committee-The Democrat Party apparatus-has been caught using donor Dollars to Collude with Russian Intelligence to attack a domestic political opponent (me). The FBI has no leadership. The Director is protecting the same gang.....that tried to....
....以及民主党全国委员会,民主党机构,已被查获,使用捐赠的美元与俄罗斯情报机构勾结攻击国内政治对手(我)。 联邦调查局没有领导力。 联邦调查局局长正在保护这个黑帮(即上面提到的那伙人).....那个试图....
2019年5月12日 下午07:00
“Just another abuse of power in a long series of abuses of power by the Democrats that began during the Obama Administration, continued through the Mueller FBI operation, & now the baton has been passed to Jerry Nadler to continue to abuse power to harass President Trump..
2019年5月12日 下午06:19
“Even Director James Clapper admits that the FBI actions against the Trump Presidential Campaign do in fact meet the definition of spying, perhaps FBI Director Christopher Wray will be the next to do so.”
2019年5月12日 下午04:22
China is DREAMING that Sleepy Joe Biden, or any of the others, gets elected in 2020. They LOVE ripping off America!
2019年5月12日 下午04:19
The “Constitutional Crisis” is the Democrats refusing to work. Let them start by fixing the mess that their Immigration Laws have caused at the Southern Border.
2019年5月12日 下午04:16
When the Mueller Report came out showing NO Collusion with Russia (of course), it was supposed to be over, back to work for the people. But the Dems have gone “nuts,” and it has actually gotten worse! Hope the Republicans win back the House in 2020, or little will get done!
2019年5月12日 下午04:10
Ever since the Mueller Report showed No Collusion & No Obstruction, the Dems have been working overtime to damage me and the Republican Party by issuing over 80 demands for documents and testimonies, and with NO REASON. That’s all they want to do - don’t care about anything else!
自从穆勒报告显示没有勾结和没有阻碍司法以来,这些民主党人一直在加班加点伤害我和共和党,(他们的手法是)没有理由的发出80多次要求,得到各种文件和举行听证。这就是他们想要做所有的事情 ,他们不关心其它任何事情!
2019年5月12日 下午04:03
Despite two years and millions of dollars spent, the Democrats are acting like crazed lunatics ever since the results of the Mueller Report were made public. But they knew there was NOTHING even before the Report was started. It is all a big Hoax, the biggest in American history!
2019年5月12日 下午02:35
....employment numbers ever, low taxes & regulations, a rebuilt military & V.A., many great new judges, & so much more. But we have had a giant SCAM perpetrated upon our nation, a Witch Hunt, a Treasonous Hoax. That is the Constitutional Crisis & hopefully guilty people will pay!
2019年5月12日 下午02:35
The Democrats new and pathetically untrue sound bite is that we are in a “Constitutional Crisis.” They and their partner, the Fake News Media, are all told to say this as loud and as often as possible. They are a sad JOKE! We may have the strongest Economy in our history, best...
2019年5月12日 下午02:06
....We will then spend (match or better) the money that China may no longer be spending with our Great Patriot Farmers (Agriculture), which is a small percentage of total Tariffs received, and distribute the food to starving people in nations around the world! GREAT!
2019年5月12日 下午02:06
We are right where we want to be with China. Remember, they broke the deal with us & tried to renegotiate. We will be taking in Tens of Billions of Dollars in Tariffs from China. Buyers of product can make it themselves in the USA (ideal), or buy it from non-Tariffed countries...
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