法新社報導,41歲男星克里斯托夫希弗哲(Kristofer Hivju)表示,自己和家人正在住家自主隔離。一頭火紅色頭髮和絡腮鬍是克里斯托夫希弗哲的個人特色。
他上傳一張與妻子葛里莫維爾希弗哲(Gry Molvaer Hivju)的合照,並寫道:「我們健康狀況良好……我只有輕度感冒症狀。」
Greetings from Norway! Sorry to say that I, today, have tested positive for COVID19, Corona virus. My familiy and I are self-isolating at home for as long as it takes. We are in good health - I only have mild symptoms of a cold. There are people at higher risk for who this virus might be a devastating diagnosis, so I urge all of you to be extremely careful; wash your hands, keep 1,5 meters distance from others, go in quarantine; just do everything you can to stop the virus from spreading. Together we can fight this virus and avert a crisis at our hospitals. Please take care of each other, keep your distance, and stay healthy! Please visit your country's Center for Disease Control's website, and follow the regulations for staying safe and protecting not just yourselves, but our entire community, and especially those at risk like the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. @grymolvaerhivju #fightcorona #solidarity #takecare #folkehelseinstituttet Thanks to @panoramaagency
Kristofer Hivju(@khivju)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 16 日 下午 1:48 張貼
克里斯托夫希弗哲不是第一位爆出確診的影星。前往澳洲拍片的美國巨星湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)12日剛透過Instagram宣布自己和妻子雙雙確診,消息一出震驚全球。目前兩人已從澳洲昆士蘭州(Queensland)一間醫院出院。
曾在「007量子危機」飾演龐德女郎、烏克蘭出生的法籍女星歐嘉柯瑞蘭蔻(Olga Kurylenko)也在IG上宣布她2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19,中共肺炎)採檢結果呈陽性。
飾演漫威「雷神索爾」系列電影「海姆達爾」一角的英國男星伊卓瑞斯艾巴(Idris Elba)在推特影片中透露,他檢測中共肺炎呈陽性反應,目前沒有症狀,但已在隔離。