以下是川普講話全文翻譯(全文翻譯 二)。
Q Mr. President, did Mitch McConnell make you any promises about a vote on impeachment in the Senate?
問:總統先生,米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)是否對參議院彈劾投票作出任何承諾?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don’t know about Mitch. I have a lot of respect for Mitch McConnell. I know that; I saw his statements. And he thinks that this is ridiculous. He thinks it’s unfair. I saw his statement yesterday that he put out where he read my phone conversation and he thought it was a wonderful conversation. And it was.
But, see, the Democrats don’t talk about that anymore. They try and go to other things. These people are looking for anything they can get because they know they’re going to lose the election. And we’re in election season now. For them to be doing this now, it’s never been done.
Q The U.S. is speaking to North Korea in Sweden. What do you expect?
Q The U.S. is speaking to North Korea in Sweden right now. What do you expect?
THE PRESIDENT: So we’re dealing with North Korea. They want to meet, and we’ll be meeting with them. It’s probably being set up as we speak, but we’ll let you know. But North Korea would like to do something. Iran would like to do something. We have a lot of countries in a very good position right now, despite the witch hunt, which hurts our country and it hurts America. But Iran wants to do something. North Korea wants to do something. And China would like to do something.
Q Is the Justice Department investigating Joe Biden?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know that. That, you’d have to ask. Is the Justice Department investigating Joe Biden?
Q Yes, sir.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, that, you’d have you to ask Attorney General Barr. But I can tell you, just as an observer, what I saw Biden do with his son — he is pillaging these countries, and he’s hurting us. How would you like to have, as an example, Joe Biden negotiating the China deal if he took it over from me after the election? He would give them —
總統:那,你要問檢察總長巴爾。但是我可以告訴你,作為一個觀察者,我看到拜登與他兒子的所作所為 - 他在掠奪這些國家,並且正在傷害我們。例如,如果喬·拜登在大選後從我那裏接管了中國協議,你想他將如何進行談判?他會給他們 -
Q Mr. President —
問:總統先生 -
THE PRESIDENT: Wait. He would give them everything. He would give them everything. How would you like to have that? Joe Biden would just roll out the red carpet. He would give them everything.
So, again, this doesn’t pertain to anything but corruption. And that has to do with me. I don’t care about politics. I don’t care about anything. But I do care about corruption. And to have somebody take out a billion and a half dollars out of China, who’s totally unfit. He’s unfit. To have him get a billion and a half dollars, to have him — and now I’m hearing the number of $50,000 a month. Now I’m hearing the number of $50,000 a month is very low. It’s a much higher number that Biden’s son was getting per month. The fact is it’s much higher. And for him to — and for him, as a total — for him, as a totally unqualified person, to be getting hundreds of thousands a month is very, very (inaudible).
因此,這隻與腐敗有關。這隻與我有關。我不在乎政治。我什麽都不在乎,但是我確實關心腐敗。而且有人從中國拿走10.5億美元,他是完全不合適的。他不合適。讓他得到10.5億美元,讓他得到 - 現在我聽到的是每月 5萬美元。現在,我聽到每月5萬美元這個數目其實是很低的。拜登的兒子每月得到的數字要高得多。事實是它要高得多。對於他來說 -整體來說 - 對他來說,作為一個完全不合格的人,每個月能賺幾十萬是非常非常(聽不清)的。
So, again, is the Justice Department investigating that? I just don’t know.
那麽,回到這個問題 - 司法部是否正在對此進行調查?我確實不知道。
Q Mr. President, do you think the Democrats have the votes? Do you think the Democrats have the votes to impeach you? Do you think you will be impeached?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think they follow the leader. One thing with the Democrats — I give them credit for it — a lot of them don’t want it; you know that, you interview them. A lot of them are in there — they call them “Trump districts” — where I won and then they won after when I wasn’t running. But I’m going to win them big.
總統:我認為他們跟隨領導人。民主黨有一件事 - 我给他们赞许 - 他們中的許多人都不希望這樣做;你應該知道,你採訪他們。他們中有很多人 - 他們稱這些選區為「川普區」。在那些地方我贏得了勝利,然後在我不去竟選時,他們就贏了。但是我將要大贏他們。
If you look at what’s happened with my polls, they’re through the roof. You know why? Because of this phony witch hunt. If you look at what happened with the fundraising, we’ve set a record — the Republicans — because people are sick and tired of it.
I got a call the other night from pastors — the biggest pastors, evangelical Christians. They said, “We have never seen our religious or any religious so electrified.” They are — they say they’ve never seen anything like it. Churches are joining. Hundreds of thousands of people. And, you know, that’s to a large extent because of you and your partner, the Democrats.
那天晚上,我接到牧師們的電話 - 最高的牧師們,福音派基督徒的牧師們。他們說:「我們從未見過我們的宗教或任何宗教如此的激動。」他們說從未見過這般情景。教會正在加入。幾十萬人。而且,你知道,這在很大程度上是因為你和你的合作者 - 民主黨人。
Q But do you think it will pass the House, sir? Do you think it will pass the House and die in the Senate?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think this. I think this: We have great — we have a great relationship in the Senate. I have a 95 percent approval rating in the Republican Party. I believe the Senate — and I haven’t spoken to that many senators — but I believe the senators look at this as a hoax. It’s a witch hunt. It’s a disgrace. Should have never happened. Just like Russia collusion delusion should have never happened. That was a witch hunt. And just like that, should have never happened.
總統:嗯,我這麽認為。我認為:我們的關係很好 - 我與參議院的關係很好。我在共和黨中的支持率為95%。我相信參議院 - 我並沒有與那麽多參議員談過 - 但我相信參議員將這視為一種騙局。這是一場獵巫。這是一個恥辱。應該永遠不曾發生。就像與俄羅斯的勾結妄想應該從未發生過一樣。那是一場獵巫。像那樣的事,應該從未發生過。
So I think in the Senate, I think they feel that the Republican Party has been treated very, very badly. Now, in the House, they have the majority. They all vote with AOC and plus three. Nancy Pelosi is petrified of them. I mean, she’s afraid she’s going to lose her position. Nancy Pelosi will lose her speakership right after the election when the Republicans take over the House.
因此,我認為在參議院中,我認為,他們感到共和黨受到非常非常惡劣的對待。現在,在眾議院,他們佔了多數。他們全都投票贊成AOC(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)加三。南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)被他們嚇呆了。我的意思是,她擔心自己會失去職位。大選後,一旦共和黨人接管眾議院後,南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)將失去議長權力。
Q Sir, can we talk about the text messages that included holding off a visit to the White House?
THE PRESIDENT: The one text message that I saw was just about the last text message. Because I don’t know — I don’t even know most of these ambassadors. I didn’t even know their names. But the text message —
總統:我看到的一條簡訊就是最後的一條簡訊。因為我不知道 - 我甚至都不認識大多數這些大使。我甚至不知道他們的名字。但是簡訊
Q But what it included, sir, was a visit to the White House.
THE PRESIDENT: — the text message that I saw from Ambassador Sondland — who’s highly respected — was: There’s “no quid pro quo.” He said that. He said, by the way — it almost sounded like in general — he said, by the way, there’s “no quid pro quo.” And there isn’t.
Now, for Biden there would be. But listen to this: There is no pro quo. And that was the text message that I saw. And that nullified everything.
Q Have you asked foreign leaders for any corruption investigations that don’t involve your political opponents? That is, are there other cases where you’ve asked for corruption investigations?
THE PRESIDENT: You know, we would have to look. But I tell you, what I asked for and what I always will ask for is anything having to do with corruption with respect to our country. If a foreign country can help us with respect to corruption and corruption probes, and that — I don’t care if it’s Biden or anybody else. But if they can help us — if Biden is corrupt, if his son is corrupt. When his son takes out billions of dollars — billions — and he has no experience; he just got fired from the Navy — when they do that, that’s no good.
總統:你知道,我們也許必須看看。但是我告訴你,我所要求的,以及我一直將要求的是與我們國家的腐敗有關的任何事情。如果外國可以在腐敗和腐敗調查方面幫助我們,那我不在乎涉及拜登還是其他任何人。如果他們能為我們提供幫助 - 如果拜登(Biden)腐敗,如果他的兒子也腐敗。他的兒子沒有經驗卻拿走數十億美元(數十億美元)。而且當時他剛被海軍開除了 - 當他們這樣做的時候,那是不好的。
So the only — just to finish your question — anything having to do with corruption, I actually feel I have an obligation to do that.
Q Including with Mr. Putin, sir?
Q Is someone advising you that it is okay to solicit the help of other governments to investigate a potential political opponent?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t say anything is okay. I’ll tell you what’s okay.
Q Is someone advising you that?
THE PRESIDENT: Here’s what’s okay: If we feel there’s corruption, like I feel there was in the 2016 campaign — there was tremendous corruption against me — if we feel there’s corruption, we have a right to go to a foreign country.
總統:這裏我告訴你什麽是可以的:如果我們覺得其中存在腐敗,就像我覺得2016年競選中存在腐敗 - 有針對我的嚴重腐敗 - 如果我們覺得存在腐敗,我們有權去尋求外國協助。
請勿錯過:【川普】要中国调查拜登 与贸易无关(全文翻译 一) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/10/05/909470.html
請勿錯過:【川普】中國是我們在世界舞台上要面對的(全文翻譯 三) https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2019/10/06/909543.html
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