Q In your conversations with people connected to Israel, did you encourage them to reject the (inaudible)?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I don’t encourage or discourage. I think that if Israel allowed them to come in for the normal reasons, other than those reasons, I really believe that it would be a terrible thing for Israel. I think it would show a terrible sign.
They want to do boycotts. They said horrible things about Jewish people. They said horrible things about Israel and Israelis. I think it would be terrible thing, frankly, for Israel to let these two people, who speak so badly about Israel, come in.
And they have become, amazingly, the face of the Democrats. The Democrats don’t want to do anything to condemn them. If they were — if this were 10 years ago, or if this were maybe a different time or different people or whatever, they would be condemned for the things they’ve said. They’ve said some of the worst things I’ve ever heard said about Israel. So how can Israel say, “Oh, welcome”? I don’t think it would be a good thing for Israel.
令人驚訝的是,她們已成為民主黨人的臉譜。民主黨人不想做任何事來譴責他們。如果她們是在 - 如果這是10年前,或者如果這是在一個不同的時間或不同的人或其他什麼,她們將被譴責為她們所說的事情。她們已經說了我聽過的關於以色列的一些最壞的事情。以色列怎麼能說「噢,歡迎」?我不認為這對以色列來說是件好事。
Q Mr. President, do you think that Steve King needs to resign?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know the situation with Steve King. It looked like — I read a statement that supposedly he made. I haven’t been briefed on it, but certainly it wasn’t a very good statement.
總統:我不知道史蒂夫.金的情況。它看起來像 - 我讀了一個據說他的聲明。我沒有得到這個聲明的簡報,這肯定不是一個很好的聲明。
Q So, you’re going to go to the G7 pretty soon, and I think you’re going to meet with Boris Johnson. Are you going to have some sort of declaration about the intent to seal a trade deal with him, with the Britons?
THE PRESIDENT: So, we’re dealing with the UK on trade and a trade deal, and we’re going to have a great deal made. I’ve been dealing with Boris Johnson. I just spoke to him yesterday. I’ll speak to him again. He and I are very much aligned. We feel very good about each other. I think we’ll make a fantastic and big trade deal with the UK.
Actually, we should do much more business than we’re doing with the UK. You know, it’s a — they’re probably — I don’t want to say our “closest,” because I don’t want to insult other people, but certainly — or countries — but certainly they’re one of our closest allies anywhere in the world. And we’re going to have a fantastic relationship with UK. And we’re going to have a great trade deal with UK. And that’s moving along rapidly.
實際上,我們應該做的事情比我們現在與英國一起做的要多得多。你知道,這是 - 他們可能是- 我不想說我們的「最接近的」,因為我不想侮辱其他人或其他國家,但肯定 - 他們當然是這個世界上我們最親密的盟友之一。我們將與英國建立非常良好的關係。我們將與英國達成一項很好的貿易協議。而這些正在迅速進展之中。
Q Any other goals for the G7, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: I think just relationship. We’ll see what happens. We have a lot of things to discuss, a lot of things to discuss.
Q Is Corey going to announce tonight?
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know. Corey Lewandowski, I think, would be terrific if he ran, but I don’t know that he’s going to run. I spoke to him about it a week ago. Frankly, I think it’s something he’d like to do, but I don’t know that he’s going to do it. I think he’d be very good. He loves New Hampshire. He loves our country. If he did it, I think he’d be very formidable.
Q What executive actions are you prepared to take on guns? Executive actions on guns, are you prepared —
THE PRESIDENT: We’re going to look at that very closely, and we’re looking at the whole gun situation.
I do want people to remember the words “mental illness.” These people are mentally ill and nobody talks about that. But these are mentally ill people, and people have to start thinking about it.
I think we have to start building institutions again because, you know, if you look at the ‘60s and ‘70s, so many of these institutions were closed. And the people were just allowed to go onto the streets. And that was a terrible thing for our country. They closed them; cities couldn’t afford them and they closed them. I mean, I can tell you: In New York, they closed a lot of them. And the people went out; they went out onto the streets. And it’s a terrible thing. But a lot of our conversation has to do with the fact that we have to open up institutions. We can’t let these people be on the streets.
So, we have a tremendous crowd in New Hampshire. It’s — all over the place, everybody is saying, “Wow.” Our competitor has virtually no crowd. I don’t know what that means. I assume that’s a poll of some kind. But I think we’re going to do very well in New Hampshire.
所以,我們在新罕布什爾州有很多人群。他們是 - 到處都是,每個人都在說,「哇。」我們的競爭對手實際幾乎沒有人群。我不知道這意味著什麼。我認為這是某種形式的民意調查。但我認為我們在新罕布什爾州會做得很好。
New Hampshire should have been won last time, except we had a lot of people come in at the last moment, which was a rather strange situation. Thousands and thousands of people coming in from locations unknown. But I knew where their location was.
Q Where (inaudible)?
THE PRESIDENT: But I think we’re going to have — I think we’re going to have a tremendous success in New Hampshire. These are great people. And the relationship is very good.
總統:但我認為我們會有 - 我認為我們將在新罕布什爾州獲得巨大成功。這些都是偉大的民眾。我們的關係非常好。
Q Do you still plan to commute the sentence of Blagojevich?
THE PRESIDENT: We’re looking at it. I feel very badly. I think he was very harshly sentenced, but we’re looking at it very strongly. People feel very strongly about that. I floated it and I wanted to see where the Democrats stood, where the Republicans stood.
People feel very strongly about Rod Blagojevich and his sentence. He’s been in there for seven and a half years; that’s a long time. And what he did was terrible, but it’s a long time. It’s a long time.
Q Are you pushing Mitch McConnell on background checks?
問:您是否正在推動米奇.麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)的背景調查(主張)?
THE PRESIDENT: I’ve been dealing with Mitch McConnell. He’s a man who we have had tremendous success with judges and judicial appointments. We’re going to be up to 179 federal judges within the next two months. Nobody would have believed that’s possible. And that was because President Obama was unable to get them completed. So I inherited about 138 empty seats. Nobody can believe it. And we will have them almost all filled with tremendous judges and tremendously talented, smart people. They’ll be filled within two months.
So I have 179 judges and 2 Supreme Court justices. That’s something that nobody would have ever thought possible. I want to thank, very much, President Obama for that.
Q But I was asking about background checks for gun owners, for gun purchasers.
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, we do. I’ve been speaking to Mitch about that. I’ve been speaking to everybody about it. And we don’t want to see crazy people owning guns. But I also want to remember that mental illness is something nobody wants to talk about. These people are mentally ill and we have to study that also. Because, you know, it’s them; they pull the trigger. The gun doesn’t pull the trigger. They pull the trigger. So we have to look very seriously at mental illness, and we’re doing that at a level that hasn’t been done before. Okay?
Q (Inaudible) speaking with, Mr. President, besides the Senate Majority Leader and Pat Toomey? Is there anyone else who you’re talking to?
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. Yeah. I’m speaking to many Republicans. And I’ll tell you, it’s — it’s been pretty — an amazing experience. They want to see something happen. And basically, it’s very simple, they don’t want to have insane people, dangerous people, really bad people having guns. Republicans agree with me on that, I think, you know, I would say, pretty much uniformly.
總統:是的。是啊。我和許多共和黨人談過。而且我會告訴你,它是 - 非常好的 – 非常令人振奮的體驗。他們希望看到一些事情發生。基本上,它很簡單,他們不想讓瘋狂的人,危險的人,真正的壞人擁有槍支。共和黨人就此贊同我的觀點,我想,我知道,我會說,非常一致。
Q Do you think this will be easy to do when the Senate comes back? Or how (inaudible) —
問:您認為參議員休假回來後完成這很容易嗎?或者如何(聽不清) -
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m afraid that if we came up with a good bill, I think the Democrats then might up it, and then do things that can’t be done and that the public wouldn’t want done. I hope that wouldn’t happen, but that’s happened in the past. You understand.
Q Do you support universal background checks?
THE PRESIDENT: I support strong, meaningful background checks, where people that should not have guns, people that are insane, people that are mentally ill, people that are bad, bad people — like this guy in Philadelphia, who has been arrested numerous times; he’s a bad guy — where people like that would not have guns. And, frankly, people like that should be locked up. He shouldn’t have even been on the streets.
總統:我支持強有力的,有意義的背景調查,那些不應該擁有槍支的人,那些失去理智的人,那些精神病患者,那些壞人,壞人 - 就像費城的這個人,曾多次被捕;他是一個壞人 - 像這樣的人不該有槍支。而且,坦率地說,這樣的人應該被看管。他甚至不應該北允許走上街。
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Q Did you talk to Xi directly? Was that who you talked to in China?
THE PRESIDENT: I will speak to him. We have a call scheduled soon — President Xi. We’ll be speaking to him very soon. I really believe he can work it out. I know him well. If he wants to, he can work that out in a very humane fashion. He can work something that everybody is happy. Thank you.
總統:我會和他談。我們很快就會通電話了 - 習主席。我們很快就會和他通話。我真的相信他能解決這個問題。我很了解他。如果他願意,他可用非常人性化的方式解決這個問題。他可以做一些每個人都很高興的事情。謝謝。
5:23 P.M. EDT
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