2019年8月9日 川普總統在白宮停機坪回答記者提問(圖片來源:視頻截圖)
Remarks by President Trump Before Air Force One Departure
Issued on: August 13, 2019
Morristown Municipal Airport
Morristown, New Jersey
11:53 A.M. EDT
上午11:53 美東時間
THE PRESIDENT: The stock market continues to do very well. We have very, very strong numbers. We have a lot of artificial numbers from other countries because they’re all devaluing their currencies. They’re really doing things that aren’t very good for their countries, in my opinion. But, short term, it’s very good for their countries. Long term, possibly not.
And we’re not following suit. We have a Fed that decides not to cut interest rates, which is a very bad thing. Because, right now, we have to follow suit; we should be following suit. But we have a very powerful country, a very strong economic and military country. We’ve never been better. The stock market is way up today for various reasons, including tariffs.
I just see where we’ve collected close to $59 billion in tariffs so far. And, in my opinion, the consumer has not paid for it because of the devaluation by China. They devalued and they pumped a lot of money into their system. So, it’s really been an amazing — it’s been an amazing period of time.
我剛看到,迄今為止,我們收取了近590億美元的關稅。而且,在我看來,由於中國的貨幣貶值,(我们的)消費者還沒有為此付出代價。他們貶值,他們向他們的系統註入了大量資金。所以,這真的是太好了 - 這段時間太美妙了。
Q Why did you make the decision on the tariffs, to delay the implementation of the tariffs?
THE PRESIDENT: Only to help, I think, a lot of different groups of people. And we had a very good talk yesterday with China — a very, very productive call. I think they want to do something. I think they’d like to do something dramatic. I was not sure whether or not they wanted to wait until a Democrat has a chance to get in. Hopefully that’s not going to happen because the economy would go to hell in a handbasket very fast.
總統:我認為,就是為了幫助很多不同的人群。我們昨天與中國進行了非常好的交談 - 一個非常非常富有成效的電話。我想他們想做點什麼。我認為他們想做一些戲劇化的事情。我不確定他們是否想等到民主黨人有機會進入以後。希望這不會發生,因為那樣的話(中國的)經濟會很快地崩潰。
But they really would like to make a deal. The call itself was very productive. I’m not sure if it was the tariffs or the call, but the call was very productive. Again, they’ve said this many times; they’ve said they’re going to buy farm products. So far, they’ve disappointed me with the truth. They haven’t been truthful, or, let’s say, they’ve certainly delayed the decision. But it’s their intention to buy a lot of farm product.
And we did — we had a very good call with China. I mean, they would really like to do — as you know, they have a problem in Hong Kong, but they would like very much to do something.
我們確實與中國有一個很好的通話。我的意思是,他們真的很想做 - 正如你所知,他們在香港有問題,但他們非常想做點什麼。
Q Would you consider moving the tariffs, even? Delaying them even further, past December 15?
THE PRESIDENT: No, we’re doing this for Christmas season, just in case some of the tariffs would have an impact on U.S. customers, which, so far, they’ve had virtually none. The only impact has been that we’ve collected almost $60 billion from China — compliments of China. But just in case they might have an impact on people, what we’ve done is we’ve delayed it so that they won’t be relevant for the Christmas shopping season.
總統:不,我們正在做的是為了聖誕節期間(的購物),以防一些關稅會對美國客戶產生影響,到目前為止,幾乎沒有。唯一的影響是我們從中國收取了近600億美元 – 這是對中國的讚許。但是,萬一它們可能對人們產生影響,我們所做的就是推遲它,以免它們會影響到聖誕節購物季節。
Q Mr. President, can you please explain your decision to retweet that comment about Jeffrey Epstein and the —
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, he’s a very highly respected, conservative pundit. He’s a big Trump fan. That was a retweet. That wasn’t from me; that was from him. But he’s a man who has half a million followers. A lot of followers. And he’s respected.
And, as you know, Bill Barr wants to do an entire investigation of the whole Epstein matter, what happened. He’s been going on for a long — that’s been going on for a long time, the whole Epstein episode. And I know it’s under investigation by Attorney General Barr, and I’m sure he’s going to be handling it.
而且,如你所知,比爾.巴爾想要對整個愛潑斯坦問題進行全面調查,了解發生了什麼。他已經持續了很長時間 - 這已經持續了很長時間,整個愛潑斯坦的故事。而且我知道司法部長巴爾正在調查它,我相信他會處理它。
The retweet, which is what it was — it was a retweet — was from somebody that’s a very respected, conservative pundit. So I think that was fine.
那個轉推,它本來就是一個轉推 - 來自一個人,那是一個非常受尊敬,保守的權威人士。所以我認為那沒問題。
Q But is it appropriate for you to be spreading that kind of conspiracy theory? I presume you don’t know that that’s true.
THE PRESIDENT: No, basically what we’re saying is we want an investigation. I want a full investigation, and that’s what I absolutely am demanding. That’s what our Attorney General — our great Attorney General — is doing. He’s doing a full investigation.
總統:不,基本上我們所說的是我們要調查。我想進行全面調查,這就是我正絕對要求的。這就是我們的司法部長 - 我們的很棒的司法部長 - 正在做的事情。他正在進行全面調查。
Q Are you concerned about what you’re seeing in Hong Kong? Do you want China to exercise restraint?
THE PRESIDENT: The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation. Very tough. We’ll see what happens. But I’m sure it’ll work out. I hope it works out for everybody, including China, by the way. I hope it works out for everybody.
Q Have you seen the gathering of military troops, apparently close to protestors? And there’s worries about that.
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, it’s a very tricky situation. I think it’ll work out. And I hope it works out for liberty. I hope it works out for everybody, including China. I hope it works out peacefully. I hope nobody gets hurts. I hope nobody gets killed.
Q Mr. President, are you more optimistic now that there’s a chance of getting a deal between China on trade?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’ve always been optimistic. My only question is whether or not they were willing to wait and take the chance on winning the election and deal with somebody who’s weak and ineffective and doesn’t know what he’s doing or she’s doing, like they’ve had in the past.
This should have been done 25 years ago. It should have been done 10 years ago or 5 years ago. This should have been done a long time ago. This should have been done by Biden and Obama. China is taking out $500 billion a year, and much more than that, if you include the theft of intellectual property. What I’m doing now should have been done many years ago.
Q On another issue: Ken Cuccinelli today said, on NPR, that maybe there ought to be a different poem on the Statue of Liberty that says immigrants who come can stand up for themselves and take care of themselves. Do you think that should be changed?
問:關於另一個問題:肯•庫奇內利(Ken Cuccinelli)今天在全國公共電臺(NPR)上說,也許在自由女神像上應該有一首不同的詩:外來移民應該自立,並照顧好自己。您認為應該做如此改變嗎?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don’t think it’s fair to have the American taxpayer — you know, it’s about “America First.” I don’t think it’s fair to have the American taxpayer paying for people to come into the United States.
總統:嗯,我認為這對美國納稅人是不公平的 - 你知道,這是關於“美國第一”。我認為讓美國納稅人為進入美國的人付錢是不公平的。
So what we’ve done is institute what took place many, many years ago — at our founding, virtually. But we are just reinstituting it. And I think it’s long overdue.
所以我們所做的不過是建立許多年前就應該建立的機制 - 實際上是在我們的建國時。但我們只是再次確立它。我認為它早就應該建立了。
I am tired of seeing our taxpayer paying for people to come into the country and immediately go onto welfare and various other things. So I think we’re doing it right.
Q Mr. President, you tweeted about a word that Chris Cuomo found racially offensive. Even Sean Hannity defended him. Is that appropriate for you to tweet about that?
問:總統先生,您在推特上用了一個詞,克裏斯•科莫發現帶有種族歧視的冒犯含義。甚至肖恩•漢尼蒂(Sean Hannity)也為他辯護。您這樣發推文合嗎適?
THE PRESIDENT: I think that what Chris Cuomo did was horrible. His language was horrible. He looked like a total, out-of-control animal. He lost it. And, frankly, I don’t think anybody should defend him because he spews lies every night. So I don’t know why anybody would defend him. But Chris Cuomo was out of control. I watched it. I thought it was terrible.
So I don’t know who’s defending him. Maybe they didn’t see it. Maybe they haven’t gotten a full picture. But I think anybody that would have seen Chris Cuomo would have said that was a disgrace. You’ve never seen me do that.
Q But you wound up tweeting in response to it, saying that maybe he should be flagged by a “red flag” list. Doesn’t that sort of undermine the whole argument that’s going on right now and the push for that?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think Chris Cuomo was so out of control that I would not have wanted to see a weapon in his hand. I guess his fist is not a weapon or he would have done something. You know, he talked about it but he didn’t do anything.
But I think Chris Cuomo was very much out of control, actually.
Q Mr. President, Anthony Scaramucci today is calling on Republicans to challenge you in 2020, saying that you’ve “gone off the rails.” Do you have a response?
問:總統先生,安東尼•斯卡拉姆奇今天呼籲共和黨人在2020年挑戰您,說您已經 “脫離了軌道。” 您有回應嗎?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Anthony was a guy who worked for me, who really didn’t have a clue. He worked for 11 days. He made terrible statements and gestures and everything to people that worked in the office. I think you’ve heard Mercedes Schlapp talk about it in great detail.
總統:好吧,安東尼是一個曾為我工作的人,他真的找不著北了。他工作了11天。他向在辦公室工作的人做出了可怕的陳述、手勢以及一切。我想你已經聽過梅賽德斯•施拉普(Mercedes Schlapp)非常詳細地談論過此事了。
Anthony didn’t support me at the beginning; he was with somebody else and then he went to somebody else. And he only supported me after it was a foregone conclusion that I was going to win.
I’m not a fan of Anthony. I haven’t been for a long time. I think Anthony is really somebody that’s very much out of control. And he doesn’t have what it takes. I mean, he really doesn’t.
He wanted to come back into the administration for the last five months, begging me to come back in. I said, “Anthony, I can’t take you in. I’m sorry.” He called so much. He’s a nervous, neurotic wreck. He called so much, and I said, “Anthony, I’m sorry. I can’t do that. I can’t take you in.” And I said, “You got to stop all these phone calls. Too many calls, Anthony.” And I wouldn’t take his call. And lo and behold, now he feels differently.
在過去的五個月裡他想回到政府中來,請求我讓他回來。我說,“安東尼,我不能帶你進去。我很抱歉。” 他打了許多電話。他是一個緊張、神經質的廢物。他打了很多電話,我說,“安東尼,我很抱歉。我做不到。我不能帶你進去。” 我說,“你必須停止打所有這些電話。太多的電話了,安東尼。” 我不會接他的電話。瞧,現在他感覺不一樣了。
But Anthony is upset because he wanted certain things. The main thing he wanted was to come back into the administration. And as you remember better than I do, he was a disaster for the 11 days.
Q Mr. President, the factory you’re going to today is going to make plastics. You must be aware of all the reports that say the world is awash in plastic and the last thing it needs is more plastic. What’s your feeling on that?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we have tremendous plastics coming over from Asia, from China, and various others. It’s not our plastic. It’s plastics that’s floating over in the ocean and the various oceans from other places.
No, plastics are fine, but you have to know what to do with them. But other countries are not taking care of their plastic use and they haven’t for a long time. And the plastic that we’re getting is floating across the ocean from other places, including China.
Q How is the progress going on background checks? Are you convinced that Mitch McConnell is going to put that up for a vote?
問:背景調查的進展情況如何?您是否相信米奇•麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)會投票支持?
THE PRESIDENT: I am convinced that Mitch wants to do something. I’ve spoken to Mitch McConnell. He’s a good man. He wants to do something. He wants to do it, I think, very strongly. He wants to do background checks, and I do too, and I think a lot of Republicans do. I don’t know, frankly, that the Democrats will get us there.
But I spoke with Chris Murphy, Senator. We had a very good conversation. We’ll see what happens. But I believe that Mitch — and I can tell you, from my standpoint, I would like to see meaningful background checks. And I think something will happen.
但我與參議員克裏斯•墨菲講了。我們進行了很好的交談。我們看看到會發生什麼。但我相信米奇 - 我可以告訴你,從我的觀點來看,我希望看到有意義的背景調查。我認為會發生一些事情。
Look, it’s very simple: There is nobody more pro-Second Amendment than Donald Trump, but I don’t want guns in the hands of a lunatic or a maniac. And I think if we do proper background checks, we can prevent that.
Q And back on the tweet question: Do you really think the Clintons are involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s death?
THE PRESIDENT: I have no idea. I know he was on his plane 27 times and he said he was on the plane 4 times. But when they checked the plane logs, Bill Clinton — who was a very good friend of Epstein — he was on the plane about 27 or 28 times. So why did he say “four times”?、
總統:我不知道。我知道他(克林頓)在他(愛潑斯坦)的飛機上27次,他說他在他的飛機上4次。但當他們檢查飛機日誌時,比爾•克林頓 - 他是愛潑斯坦的一個非常好的朋友 - 他在他的飛機上大約27或28次。那他為什麼說“四次”呢?
And then the question you have to ask is: Did Bill Clinton go to the island? Because Epstein had an island that was not a good place, as I understand it. And I was never there. So you have to ask: Did Bill Clinton go to the island? That’s the question. If you find that out, you’re going to know a lot.
Thank you very much everybody.
12:03 P.M. EDT
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