Further to last month message, a plan for WPA?SP joint meeting (visit) in Beijing on the 4th of April 2004 was accepted by the Chinese Minister of Health and the CSP for examining the records, interviewing patients and their families or doctors who were involved in the examination of those patients after obtaining their consent and access to what is required for those cases that allegedly were subjected to psychiatric abuse. This will be followed by an educational program late this year to discuss ethics, forensic and diagnostic issues.
繼上月消息,世界精神病學協會 (WPA)與精神病學會(SP)將於2004年4月4日在北京舉行聯合調查的計畫得到了中國衛生部和中華精神病學會(CSP)的同意。調查將檢查醫療記錄,並在爭得同意的情況下,將會見病人及他們的家屬,以及給病人診斷的醫生,並對那些被指控進行精神虐待的案例進行調查。在這之後,將在今年晚些時候舉行培訓,並對道德,法律糾紛和診斷進行討論。
It was outlined to during the Okasha mission to the minister and the CSP, that apart from the future visit; there is a need to improve the mental health services in China as there is less than one psychiatrist for every 200000 citizens, there must be a plan to recruit the best physicians to be psychiatrists, there must be mental health legislation as it is currently absent, the number of psychiatrists who had full training is below the expected good service and diagnosis. The WPA is ready to conduct joint meetings with CSP for the development of diagnosis, forensic issues, ethics and classification before the end of this year.
The members of the WPA taskforce for the next visit have been selected during the EC meeting in Cairo on 12th and 13th February 2004. After much deliberation, and more than one year delay, the door is now open for further collaboration with the CSP and the Chinese authorities to clarify the situation regarding the alleged abuse of psychiatry of Falun Gong practitioners.
The delegates who were selected and accepted to participate are known for their competency dedication and superior caliber in their specialty and human rights. They are:
Dr. Otto Steenfeldt Foss (Chair) (Member of WPA RC - Norway)
Dr. Marianne Kastrup (Co-Chair) (Member of WPA RC- Zonal representative North European- Denmark)
Dr. Federico Allodi (Secretary) (Prof of Psychiatry Secretary of WPA RC Canada)
Prof. John Cox (WPA Secretary General - Member of WPA RC - UK)
Prof. Julio Arboleda Florez (Prof. Forensic Psychiatry and law- Canada)
Prof. Alan Stone (Prof. Forensic Psychiatry and law- USA)
Prof. Driss Moussaoui (Chair of WPA Ethics Committee- Morocco)
Prof. Feong Tan (Prof of Forensic Psychiatry - Australia)
奧托-斯蒂菲爾德博士(主席)(WPA RC 成員,挪威)Dr. Otto Steenfeldt Foss (Chair) (Member of WPA RC - Norway)
瑪麗安-凱斯楚普博士(主席)(WPA RC 成員,北歐地區代表,丹麥)(Dr. Marianne Kastrup (Co-Chair) (Member of WPA RC- Zonal representative North European- Denmark)
法德瑞克-埃羅蒂博士(秘書)(精神病學教授,WPA RC 秘書,加拿大)Dr. Federico Allodi (Secretary) (Prof of Psychiatry Secretary of WPA RC Canada)
約翰-考克斯教授(WPA 秘書長,WPA RC 成員,英國)Prof. John Cox (WPA Secretary General - Member of WPA RC - UK)
朱力歐-佛羅瑞茲教授(法學精神病學教授,加拿大)Prof. Julio Arboleda Florez(Prof. Forensic Psychiatry and law- Canada)
阿蘭-斯通教授(法學精神病學教授,美國)(Prof. Alan Stone (Prof. Forensic Psychiatry and law- USA)
瑞斯-密蘇里教授(WPA 道德委員會主席,摩洛哥)Prof. Driss Moussaoui (Chair of WPA Ethics Committee- Morocco)
譚峰教授(法學精神病學教授,澳大利亞)Prof. Feong Tan (Prof of Forensic Psychiatry - Australia)
This delegation will be a technical, independent, unbiased taskforce, totally supported financially by the WPA central fund, to achieve the appropriate answers for the alleged abuse of psychiatry on the Falun Gong practitioners.
Accomplishing this mission successfully will close a long-standing Conflict and to have recommendations to be presented to the general assembly during the XIII WCP in Cairo September 10-15, 2005 Egypt.
President WPA
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